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Are we all still here?

Hello, I was just wondering if everyone was doing ok, and find out how we are all making out with this quitting.  Today is 4 weeks, Saturday will be 1 Month.  I honestly can't believe I'm still here.  I hope everyone is.  I will admit that I'm not having the greatest time of my life but I'm hoping that in time I will feel like it was all worth it. For now, I just keep reading and reading blogs, quit smoking on utube, etc. I am thick headed and need to be constantly reminded that I don't want or need to smoke.  NOPE!!

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13 Replies

Hey! I'm still here! Day 39 I think...or day 38 I can't remember! It's been a long day. We're doing it and you're catching up to me ... You'll be in NML soon... Congrats 🙂
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Just a reminder...You do not want to smoke nor do you need to smoke!!!

Congrats on 4 weeks.    stay strong....

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Hello...I am here but a newbie! On my 3rd day but I have the patch on and am scared that once I take it off, I will fall off the wagon but I don't want to use it for the whole 2 weeks either. Any suggestions?

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Yup, I'm here. hanging in there at 215 days. It really does get better 12twelve12. I still have rough spots and I actually expect them throughout my first year. That's just the way things are, you know, going through the firsts of everything. The first Christmas, the first New Years, the first after holidays let down, the first...... It seems to be a year of cycling so we can make new memories without smoking.

You are right, it is all worth it. After the first week or two, most of us start realizing that it's really possible to go through the rest of our life without smoking. As time goes on, even though there will be times of frustration and doubt, it continues to get better. And you are going to love your new life.

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Congrats on 4 weeks, huge accomplishment.  You are doing good protecting your quit.

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Hi 12, still here! Congratulaions on 4 weeks! Nice Job!

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Thanks everyone! Glad we are still here. 

Rich -  Can you remind me again? ha-ha!

Danze101 - After I read Allen Carr's book, I decided to go cold turkey. Did you get a chance to read his book yet?  Read as much as you can about nicotine and addiction, go on utube, there's alot of information you can listen to. The sooner the nicotine is out of your system, the easier the withdrawal symptoms will become. On the other hand I think wearing the patch is safer than smoking. So if you have to choose, be smart!!!!

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Hey, 12, great to see you!  And congratulations on FOUR WEEKS!  Woohoo!  Did you ever think, back on Day One, that you'd be here celebrating a MONTH of not smoking??? 

Hey! If you are past 30 days, you are entering No Man's Land!  That will last from 30 days until 130 days.  It's a time you must be vigilant and not be overconfident, because a craving can come out of nowhere and cut you off at the knees IF you are not ready for it.  There is lots of info about NML, and if you blog and ask for it, Dale and other people will post links for you. 

I'm still here. Day 105. Been wandering around in this wasteland called No Man's Land for 75 days now...only 25 to go. 

But there's lots of good company here in No Man's Land!  Joyeuxencore is here.  Jordan is here. Freedom 38 is here. Schneidl is here.  Who else? 

HEY, No Man's Landers!! Step forward and introduce yourself to 12!

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Look, 12!  There go a bunch of us in NML right now...

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