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Give and get support around quitting


April Quitters

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168 Respuestas

21 days smoke-free and counting!  The gum has been a God-send for me.  I tell myself multiple times a day that I'm a non-smoker.  So, again today, I'm a non-smoker.  NOPE. 

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You should not ask people to TRY and quit---just ask them to QUIT with you!!!

Lets not forget a big part of this is a MIND thing!!!

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Hang in there all. Everyday you do not smoke you will get stronger and it will get easier

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Yes, April quit day! Today, April 26, 2010 is the day I joined the ranks of the non-smoking community. Today is actually alot easier than I expected. I am 41 and have been smoking about a pack a day since I was 16. I am trying Zyban, and its amazing! I got the gum, too, but have not used it at all yet. I'm sure that this will get harder, but for now I'm ok.

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Today is my 27th Wedding Anniversary, April 28. Technically I quit on April 23, but I slipped yesterday, so today is THE day. I've quit twice before, once for 7 years. I'm older now, so I have to quit, or not live to enjoy retirement in 10 years or so. That would suck!

I have mild COPD, and caught a cold last Friday, and gasped for breath for 2 days. Told myself that is enough!

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Been two weeks, quit April 14th...I have the patch and welbutrin..I didnt start the welbutrin till last week, that helped alot.

I love to smell the air now....I am so glad I quit!!!! I am going to stay a nonsmoker! YEY!

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Well today is 4/29/2010 and i have been cigarette free for 84 hours or 3 1/2 days.  All is good except the tightness under my chin. The cravings suck but i am hanging in there.  I am hoping by tomorrow a sort of peace will begin to ease over me. The nicotine should be out of my system for sure by tomorrow. I just don't want to smoke any more.  This is hard to quit.  Geez, I don't want to have to go through this crap again.  This withdrawal is going to be a last time deal.  Forget about puffin on that nasty addicting cigarette. Just going through this withdrawal is enough for me to not go back to smoking. This is my second try and it seems harder. We deserve a peace prize for going through this withdrawal and not go crazy.

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Day 4 for me. Doing great so far. The nicotine is supposed to be out of your system after the first 3 days. After that its supposedly overcoming the part that's not chemical related. That's the hard part. But, I can smell all kinds of things now that I couldn't before. And the smell of cigs now is disgusting!  Oh, and by the way, this site is helping me get thru the times when I'm not busy and think I want one!  Hope everyone is doing well....hang in there!!!

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Hi Everyone,

      I quit on April 27th, & this is my 8th day smoke free.  This has been a major big struggle, & I'm having a very stressful time giving them up. I have depended on them for 20 years & I just wish that cigarettes would go away.  I have issues everyday, but I go on for my girls. I want to be healthy & have a long life for them.  Right now, I'm looking for things to feel my time, where I use to smoke.

Any suggestions, please not just exercise.

Thanks, Butterfly  

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Hi Cindy, the first week is tough but you got it in. Remember when going 2 hours was along time to go without a smoke?. Just hang on, give it some time. It does get easier everyday you do not smoke.

The freedom of not having to take a fix of nicotine every hour you are awake is great. Stay close to this site, it really does help. I wish you well......... 

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