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Give and get support around quitting



It scares me that I can get so angry that I actually entertain the thought of smoking.  I scared myself last night - and I wonder if there had been a pack of cigarettes sitting there - would I have smoked one or two or more?  Even after all this time, anger is still my biggest trigger.  

I want to apologize to the entire community for my "rant" last night.  I still disagree with even having a leader board - especially if it is not properly maintained.  But losing my quit over something so insignificant would be a crying shame.  

Hope everyone has a lovely day!

23 Replies

Do you know how to get to your messages - I just sent you one?

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Yes. Just found it....Thanks.

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jennifer‌ ,I find stress as well as anger are my two downfalls but I guess the two go hand in hand, humongous hug from me to you my friend......

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Hi, well I have not been here much lately due to illness with our whole family, so it seems, so I missed whatever happened, but I surely can relate to the trigger of anger.

When I smoked...a cigg was certainly the first thing I reached for if I was upset and look out if I was out of them,lol.

Now we are learning how to deal with anger without the cig. I have seriously not desired a cig in the past year at all during those times, but I will always stay alert.

AsStopforgood says, HALT wonderful to keep in our minds always. Hugs, I think you have been VERY helpful to our community

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Hey Jennifer----view the leaderboards and points without the word "leader"-----that is the deceptive word as it makes us think of someone who is achieving or setting the goals It is really "activityboards" and activity points. You referenced facebook last night....well, "leaders" on fb would be people who post all day (I honestly do not know when they sleep ------or WORK??). They are just "active" -----not leaders. To "like" posts or to tag something is not really being a leader in the sense I think you are defining it. So see it as activity. This is how much activity this or that person had today. 

I know you wouldn't smoke-----you're too smart for that trap!

Stay Strong.


See, there is some good I don't really have enough knowledge, so Jennifer, I don't even know why you are apologizing   Can't see your message/reply where you got angry.  All I know is whatever question I had, you've responded many times, and I was always thankful!!

So, thank you, and you'll see my follow up about the new Dr.  and think of me: the way I have been for over 2 months now, I would have had hundreds of reasons (maybe that many painful muscle cramps or more) to have a smoke, and the thought occurred to me, but it was just that, a thought, and it stays that way 🙂 

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Feel the Love, Jennifer!

We appreciate you - even when we forget to say it!

Thanks for being my Friend!


Wow I love rants.  Sorry I missed it.  You deserve to rant every now and then. lol

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I've been in the mood for a good rant. Sorry I missed it. As Dale JonesCarpeDiem says, keep your ranties on! So I'm asking him to share the bag of ranties I got him.


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