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Give and get support around quitting


Anyone looking for a quit smoking buddy?

Hi All, 

My name is Danielle and I'm on my third day smoke free. Last cigarette was on 7/26/17. I smoked for 5 years. Today has definitely been the hardest so far. I think this would be a little easier if I had someone to quit with me/ go through the process with me. Anyone interested? 

Thanks for reading! 

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102 Replies

Hi Annette and welcome. You really don't "want" just one....your addicted brain wants you to stop this quitting silliness. Don't LISTEN, you don't do that anymore! Drink water, chew gum, do jumping jacks....anything but smoke!

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Put some vicks under your nose. It will distract you.

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Worst day yet!!!

Sent from my iPhone

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Expect tomorrow will be better!

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read Re Learn Addition on this site watch that video it will get better

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Hey Dan,  I'm on day 5 & it's been the hardest day yet.  I think it's because it's the weekend & I have a little more down time.  I have nearly gone to the store multiple times to buy cigarettes but have not done it so far.  I read on this site , the craving won't kill u but smoking will.  That helped me, hope it helps u. !

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Hang in there, it really WILL get better, it just takes time, there are no shortcuts and no way to speed things up...other than to take care of yourself and feel good about that!  It's a BIG are going through the labor pains to give birth to your freedom and let me tell you that there are few things that feel better than being free from addiction!

I am thinking of you.  It's true, you know, no crave ever killed ANYONE!



Hi Dannielle,

We continue to keep the pledge.  

I owe my free days to this site and all the information I have received

When I am not on the site, I am at a Nicotine meeting or rereading Carr's suggestion.  I am slowly reaching out to newbies at the meeting and sharing how I committed to not taking the first puff.

My craving comes after a great meal.  It passes and I realize it passes whether I decide to pick up or not.  Taking 5 deep breaths help.

Enjoy the week a day at a time


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afriedh1‌   Annette,

How about heading back to your hotel with a PLAN, a nice long bubble bath, a movie that makes you laugh, relaxation through breathing, it's the associations that get ALL of us, that is the psychological addiction and it takes time and effort to get need to make NEW associations, if the bath and movie don't appeal, how about a walk, or a work out, most hotels have work out rooms and there is nothing like exercise to get that dopamine hit.  Even if you have to do some sort of work out in your room, seriously, it HELPS.  Your addiction is talking to do NOT have to listen.  This is all within your control, you can do this and it will get easier, I promise you that if you stick with your quit and this site, it WILL get easier.  There are no shortcuts...we grow with every crave we get past.  No crave EVER killed anyone, no one can say that about smoking and if you are COMPLETELY honest with yourself when you want to smoke for whatever reason: pain, stress, depression, anxiety...smoking does NOT help with any of those things.  Smoking feeds your nicotine addiction.  Any temporary relief you get is gone almost as soon as you put the cigarette out because you will need another fix...your addiction will need another fix.  Once I accepted that COMPLETELY, I had no problem with keeping my quit.  I KNEW smoking would not really help ANYTHING.

Plan will help.  Get on the site and read how others got through stressful times.  I think you will find that the MOST stressful times people go through are not the times when they smoke.

We are here.  Blog if you need help, put the word HELP in the subject line.  Someone will try to help...we are all here for the same reason.



Thanks Ellen. Sometimes I just need another perspective to get my mind back on the right track.


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