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Give and get support around quitting


Am I Alone? 23yrs smokin 3 packs a day, as long as I can remember.


Today is my quit day and all the support pages I have went over were of people that can't relate to me, am I the only one who took smoking to the next level, (bad as that may be)? I need to know that someone out there is going, or has gone through the same thing as me. It would be not only helpful and incouraging but also extremely appreciated. I have waves of needing a cig. come over me but I keep thinking if I even have one all the time put in so far will have been for nothing. I look forward to your response and thank you in advance for your support. Have a Great day!!!

Best Wishes,


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4 Replies


I never smoked 3 packs a day but my husband did.  He smoked for 30 plus years 3 packs a day.  He quit 8 years ago and hasn't smoked since.  He still has urges but not bad cravings.  He can handle it mentally so it is okay.

You are not the only one who has smoked that much.  You probably feel that way though.  Have you gone to

That is a good site for reading.   I haven't smoked as heavily, 1 pack a day and maybe a bit more on weekends was it but boy I have felt like it.  I was starting to smoke more and more.  When I was at work I couldn't handle the day without a cigarette so I wore a nicotine patch.  I would rip that thing off about an hour before quit time and chain smoke all the way home.  Sick huh?  I had such an overdose of nicotine sometimes I couldn't sleep half the night. 

Hang in there.  You can do it.  Do a lot of reading and whyquit as well as this place is a good place to gain much knowledge and knowledge is power.

Let me know how you are doing.

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No, you are NOT the only one out there that has abused their body in such a way!  I quit for 10 years and thought I would NEVER touch them again, only to be around a family member for a few weeks, with his smoking and there I was, back again and worse!  They actually should be outlawed, due to the addictiveness!  Of course, then the tobacco companies and people at the top of the medical profession would not be able to get rich off of people dying.

All I know is that I hate them, even when I think they are my "friend".  When I quit for 10 years, it was with the patch and also, using suckers, smart ones and licorice, to keep something in my hands and mouth.  So what if you gain 20 lbs?  You can lose it, but you can't regrow a lung.

I also listened to subliminal stop smoking tapes, while I slept.  I'm starting the whole process again and I know that I cannot, CANNOT be around other smokers again!!!!!

You can do this.  You have to want to live!

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I smoked for 30 yrs.  At times, depending on what drugs I was also using (generally stimulants like ephedrine), I managed quite often to polish off 3+ packs a day. 

3 months ago i went cold turkey for three weeks and it felt great, but one night alone after the family had gone to bed my wife's pack jumped out of her purse and into my hands and here I am up to 2 packs daily again.


On December 31 I will toss the nasty things again, and I believe with the help of this community I can make it!!!


hang in there.  Just look at smokers with pity, for they are trapped mentally and physically.

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I didn't smoke that much but a good friend of mine did.  I don't have any memories with him that he wasn't actively smoking.  He would light another cigarette with one or two still burning in the ashtray because he was lighting them mindlessly.  I hadn't seen him in over two years until last week.  He quit cold turkey 9 months ago and is doing great.  He said that he had 3 weeks where the cravings were intense and then they tapered off.  He said that he still gets cravings but they are less frequent and going through the first month prepared him for any cravings to come.  He is a professional musician so when he gets a craving he picks up his guitar or sits and the piano and works through it.  I was encouraged by his ability to quit because last time we hung out he had no desire to quit.  He is 27 years old and smoked at least 3 packs a day for 12 years.  It's going to be rough but you can make it!

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