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Give and get support around quitting


Allen Carr

Has anyone tried an Allen Carr session ? My thoughts are that if it really works as well as they say it does why isn't everyone doing it instead of stuggling along in misery with willpower for months and years ? The only negative that I could find that it doesn't work well if your a lot of phyical pain or have stomach issues since it is your second brain II do believe it is a journey and there is No easy way but though but maybe I'm wrong  I have read the book at least 10 times and I keep not getting it for some reason  They have said you really need to take the session because it has the best outcome for quitting   Loving the people and all the different shares on this site 

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20 Replies

Different things work for different people.  I've read many times on this site, "Take what works, and leave the rest".  The Carr book didn't do a thing for me.  But in all honesty, I could never finish it.  I kept trying because so many people here swear by it.  He's just too much of a self-promoter for my taste.  I couldn't get past his personality.


Even though we suggest you read Allen Carr's book it is not the cure all for quitting.  There is no quick fix to quitting smoking.  It requires work and the determination from inside of yourself.  Education about nicotine addiction is one way of helping one to quit. Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links   and

Your quit is about you and what you are willing to do not to ever take another puff no matter what. 


I could be all wrong, but it feels to me, after reading this and your other blogs, that you are looking for something to quit FOR you.  This takes some effort, planning, preparation and commitment.  There is no way around that.  Dale (I think) provided a link to Allen Carr's session on YouTube.   I would not pay $450.00 for it.

I don't think there is anything but to go through the process - sorry! - if you find something that does, please share!

What you can get from Allen Carr is the education and the tools to use so that you can quit.  It isn't meant to take the place of YOUR journey to freedom.

I'm not sure I am saying any of this clearly - but I hope you understand what I am trying to say!



I got a little out of the Carr book but I had been quit a few weeks before I read it.  I used NRT that he does not recommend. The book did help me look at things differently as in I am not losing anything but gaining a lot.  Nothing is a cure all - the only way out is through!


The thing is when you dealing with low blood sugar and acid reflux issues and can't eat or sleep when you need to so major panic sets in all day so hard to deal with the not smoking too Plus my darn patches kept falling off even with waterproof tape sweating under them I was doing really well until all that hit  I Know justifing and exuses I'm really self hateing right now because I started back smoking again and yes I,ve had the same symtoms before ..Starting in May Very very flustrating!!!

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I am sorry about your health issues but I know that smoking will not help.  Rather it will worsen your health.  I hope that you are able to find the willingness to quit.  We are all here for you but the hard work comes from you.  If there is an Allen Carr session available for you to attend and you think that it would help - they why not do it?  I don't know of anyone personally that has attended one.  Sending good wishes your way!


I orginally quit Dec 28th and had one cigarette in May looking back my allergies were starting and so was the acid reflux they say was cause partly because of them so fighting everything since then sometimes you can only be so strong for so long I'm use to being in controll 

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You have to learn  and relearn your thinking.  You have a lot of EXcuses to continue smoking.  Because of our addictive brains we think these EXcuses are real.  First start telling yourself and start believing that you do not have to smoke.  It is all what's between the ears.  Take what you can use and leave what you can't. 


yes I agree when I feel good I had no problem this really threw me for a loop I couldn't figure out why I was getting what I thought were craves all day so fought them but come to find out from the Dr that they are panic from the stomach issues that mimic craves so closely its scarey but last all day instead All seritonin (the feel good gene )is also made in the stomach so when all this happens it leaves little to fight off anything and nothing helps

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