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Give and get support around quitting


Allen Carr’s Book

So I made it 16 days and then smoked. Dang it!  I changed my quit day but I really didn’t want to since I only smoked a few cigarettes.  

I read Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Smoking....He said no moping!  But all I did was mope!  I started out good, but little by little, as the days went by, I missed my little friend.  So I smoked. And just as he said, I felt awful!  So here I am again.  

This time I’m going to post here. I would love to be a non smoker for more than 2 weeks. That seems to be about how long I can make it.  

I’m not moping today and Yippee I’m a non smoker! All I can do is one day at a time 

22 Respuestas

It's good that you reset your quit date.  That's holding yourself accountable.  Perhaps it will make you think twice before giving in again?

You call a cigarette your "little friend."  NOPE!  Those dried leaves wrapped in paper, treated with thousands of chemicals and created to make you an addict are NOT anybody's friend.  They do nothing FOR you and so much TO you. They steal your breath, your health, your money, your self-respect?   I don't think you would be friends with such a person.

You need to make NEW friends  Exercise will give you the same hit of dopamine that you get from a smoke.  So will singing out loud, or dancing, or eating a bit of chocolate.

I hope you will finish reading Allen Carr.  It will help you understand your addiction!

Let us know if you have any questions!



I'm not sure if sleeping or depression is a factor for you.  

Read read read.  Knowledge is true power.

Not sleeping? in Expert Advice  He responds also about a comment midway, also very good knowledge about depression in it. 


Did you put a Quit plan together????????? A toolbox of ways to fight off the cravings??????????

Did you get rid of all the tobacco and accessories?????? LIsten to the Elders here...Read all you can read  and really prepare yourself. Before you answer Nic-o-demon again and smoke...come here and post and tell people you're in trouble. Everytime,I was worried about giving in to a trigger and craving,people supported me and I stayed on track.

Fresher1 ... Welcome to Supporting Each Other, Helps Us Also Support. our own Journey to Freedom.

prairie 46 dof


Allen Carr's book is NOT the Bible of quitting smoking.  Most people here will tell you different but I read that book three different times before each of the last three quits, except this one. His book is based on HIS perception and his experience during HIS quit.  Withdrawal symptoms are "minor"? and are a result of "what we are led to believe"?  I think some of his suggestions are good but that book is not the be all and end all of how to quit.  As we all know everyone's quit journey is as varied as the individual doing it and there really is not any magic pill or silver bullet to "...Quit Smoking The Easy Way"!  I usually turn books in to the used bookstore in town which is where the majority of our books come from but this book I literally threw it in the trash.  You're better off reading everything you can on the Ex site with actual doctors and experienced quitters that have used whatever it took to get them where they are today.  



It is no way a Bible...
  It's a collection of thoughts, techniques, ideas, opinions, fun, fast, helpful Read!!   It's a great valuable Read!


Thank you. I read Carr's "The Little Book of Quitting" recently and had to stop halfway through (finished the following day) because it felt wrong on so many levels. I can appreciate the fact that many people claim that Allen Carr's writing helped them, but as you point out, everyone's experience is different. 


Great for you for getting back on board!

I read Allen Carr's book also. It definitely did not do the quitting for me but I did find it very helpful. Before I read his book years ago, I thought I had a really "bad habit" of smoking, you know, like picking your nose in public. I didn't know that I would withdrawal. I just thought I would stop.  I didn't actually realize that I was an addict just like and alcoholic or even a heroin addict. I somehow didn't believe that my addiction was as as horrible as those using something illegal. 

I have been told that nicotine addiction isn't as "bad" as someone that uses illegal drugs. Really? Addiction is addiction no matter to what. To me, it's like saying-- stealing a pack of gum doesn't make you as bad a thief as one that steals a car. Ludicrous!!

Stay close, we will support you!



Unfortunately there is no book, NRT, Medication, Therapy, Hypnosis. etc. that I know of is a cure all   These are designed only as helps. " to take the edge off".   You have to do the majority of quitting yourself.  If you are looking for a cure all you will not find it.  There is no magic pill.  It takes commitment to yourself that no matter what is going on in your life you will not use it as an excuse to smoke.  With a NOPE not one puff ever you will make it through if you are willing to go through the discomfort.  Sometimes feeling like you are going through hell and back.  It is withdrawal from a drug.  Not easy but doable. I have never heard that quitting smoking is easy.just that is is doable.  Having a support makes a difference. 


I have had physicians tell me that the withdrawal and actual stopping smoking is nearly the same as getting off heroin.  For me, they were exactly right because I have the same physical symptoms of heroin withdrawal and had the same mentality about needing the drug to live.