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Give and get support around quitting


Alive and Well

Hello my friends.  Wow it’s been a long time since I have posted here.  Life just gets in the way but I wanted to stop by to say hi and give an update on what’s been going on.

I’ve been dealing with problems with my mom who fell in December and had surgery on a broken hip bone. Sadly her dementia escalated from anesthesia and she’s now in hospice care and declining rapidly.  A sad time for my sister and myself. 
On a positive note I’m still a non smoker, hard to believe with all the sadness and stress, and I’m going on 4 years come July.  I’ve missed you all and hope you are all doing well.  I have thought of you often and this evening decided to take the time to drop by.  Finding that ’ Me time ‘ is important and I promise to return more frequently.




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Community Manager

@Ralph1955 sorry to hear of the struggles with your mom.  Hopefully you can return when the time’s right.  We’ll leave the light on for you!

EX Community Admin Team

Thank You Mark.  Just like my path for quitting smoking my journey isn't over yet.  I still pride myself to the fact that even with all that has happened since my quit I continue to stay on track.  If you remember, I quit on my dad's birthday (7/15/18) and my promise to him keeps me focused to never smoke again. Some promises are meant to keep.


@Ralph1955 Hi Ralph, so sorry to hear about the struggles and stresses you are coping with with your mom.  I'm glad that the stress has not caused you to relapse. Cause smoking is just plain nasty. I am 60 days quit and love hearing from people who have long quits. It gives me such hope. Thank you for stopping by. I wish you, your sister, and mother a peaceful transition. God bless.❤️


Thanks for the kind words. Bravo to you on your quit.  It's so worth it.


@Ralph1955 Always good to hear from you.  Sorry to hear about you mom--this has been the journey for many of us with our parents.  Just know how special you and your sister are for being a part of your parents care.  Glad to hear you're still smoke free with all of the stressors in your life.

We keep moving forward one day at a time.  Who would have thought it possible.  I just celebrated  4 years  a few days ago.   We did it!



Hello t.  It’s been rough. I don’t want to lose mom but I don’t want her to linger as she is. She’s so sad and that kills me.

congrats on your 4 year anniversary. Time sure did fly by.  I don’t even remember being a smoker.  I almost caved in a few times but never crossed that line.  Had an X-ray and my lungs are clear as a bell. Shocking.
Great to hear from you 💕  


@Ralph1955 You might want to post in Journals next time.  For some reason posts in Support seem to get missed.  I just kudoed  your post to move in up in Recent Activity.  I suspect other's here would like to know you posted recently.




Huge caring hug coming your way Ralph 🤗 @Ralph1955  along with lots of good thoughts and prayers for you, your sister and your Mom! I want to CONGRATULATE you on your precious quit here's another humongous hug coming your way dear friend and fellow EXer and most definetly EXtended family YAY for Smokefree living and YAY for each and every Day WON with many more to come.....