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Advice on patches

I’m not having much luck with finding a liveable balance with my allotted 4 cigs a day and the lozenges to equal the math of what I smoked.  The math is right, but delivery is so different.  I never smoked a whole cigarette in years, used snuffers to make them last a few times as  I found it was just what ya did, smoke the whole thing.   Now that I am using lozenges, I get spacey a lot even tho I don’t do a whole one at a time.  Same like the cigs.  I end the day now at 3.5 cigs and 6 lozenges.  Less than I smoked as far as nicotine.  

 So I’m wondering if the low dose patch is worth a try.  I have panic disorder so I am leery of anything that may hype me up and trigger one.  I’d like to hear from people that have tried them.  

I request no replies about cold turkey as I had no quit plan and am working on that as I face months ahead with the anniversary of my husbands death, our birthdays, anniversary and the holidays.  This is a time I have to get thru sanely.  I also am in constant pain from spinal problems and very hypothyroid.  On oxygen at times from a recent infection not due to smoking.  Odd bug it took weeks to identify and treat.  So my plate is full as I try and do my best.

Thanks inn advance. 

41 Replies

When I was strictly smoking I got 13-14mgs per day.  Now I am getting the same just switching lozenges for cigs.  I’m definitely in withdrawl, but it makes no sense to me.   I also see why I feel loopy on them as I didn’t have more than a few drags and a cig lasted me over an hour relighting it.  This is a conundrum to my logic synapses.  I often have to stop the lozenge because of getting lightheaded.  

The light headedness may be from the lozenges. You may be getting too much nicotine?


Thinking of you, sending hugs and love.  I WISH I had the answers or better yet, a magic wand to make all of this easy.  It takes work and commitment and there are no shortcuts.  I care about you, ALL of us do...stay close to the site.  Who knows?  Maybe you will read something here that will make it MUCH easier.

I sure hope so and then I hope you will share it with others who are struggling.




get your plan together and do it!  you feel bad now so you might as well be nicotine free at the same time.    I had good luck with patches, some don't.  DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET FREE.


Gwenivere I do hope you find what works for you.  I can tell you while I was on the patches, I felt steady as can be as far as nicotine being in my system.  They're designed to disperse a certain amount of nicotine into your system over a 24 hour period.  There were no rushes, or dizziness, or anything because it was just a steady delivery of nicotine all day.  I didn't even think about or want a cigarette.  t least not from the nicotine standpoint.  My triggers.....well that's a different beast.  It might help you get some stability. 


I wish I wasn’t so scared to try the patches.  Since I bought 7’s, I hope they are effective since I’m so used to the lozenges, but they definitely create and up and down fluctuation.  what’s really driving me crazy is the inability to commit to it.  This is a side effect of the anxiety disorder and change.  They’re a terrible combination.  

Don’t be scared. If you don’t like the patch, just take it off. 


What you are feeling may be exacerbated by the anxiety disorder and change...but I really think you are feeling fear of not being able to commit to saying no...absolutely NOT to your addiction.  I said NOPE so many times when I first quit that it became a part of my reaction to every thought of a cigarette...Not One Puff Ever...I said it softly, loudly, to myself, to got me through and JonesCarpeDiem‌'s "I don't do that any more."  Along with my favorite of all time OldBones-Larry‌ "One step, and then another, will get you to where you want to be."

You have gotten so much advice and support from so many people...the commitment has to come from you.  Smoking even one puff cannot be an option.  




A rough combination there for sure.  


Just want to suggest another option.  I understand the hand mouth issue, but I used nicotrol inhalers and found them extremely helpful.  You need a prescription and my insurance did cover.  I never came even close to the allowable number of cartridges a day.   Also chewed the heck out of straws.