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Advice on patches

I’m not having much luck with finding a liveable balance with my allotted 4 cigs a day and the lozenges to equal the math of what I smoked.  The math is right, but delivery is so different.  I never smoked a whole cigarette in years, used snuffers to make them last a few times as  I found it was just what ya did, smoke the whole thing.   Now that I am using lozenges, I get spacey a lot even tho I don’t do a whole one at a time.  Same like the cigs.  I end the day now at 3.5 cigs and 6 lozenges.  Less than I smoked as far as nicotine.  

 So I’m wondering if the low dose patch is worth a try.  I have panic disorder so I am leery of anything that may hype me up and trigger one.  I’d like to hear from people that have tried them.  

I request no replies about cold turkey as I had no quit plan and am working on that as I face months ahead with the anniversary of my husbands death, our birthdays, anniversary and the holidays.  This is a time I have to get thru sanely.  I also am in constant pain from spinal problems and very hypothyroid.  On oxygen at times from a recent infection not due to smoking.  Odd bug it took weeks to identify and treat.  So my plate is full as I try and do my best.

Thanks inn advance. 

41 Respuestas

I am at Day 23 - Using patches (21mg) Habitrol Gum 4 mg and the Inhaler per Dr/Nurse instructions. I did wear my patch all night the first two weeks. On the Friday night I thought I would give it a whirl taking it off at bed time to see how I would get along, since I would be at home and better equipped to handle the cravings. I got along just fine! So I have not left it on of a night since. The gum and inhaler are/can be used at the same time as aides. The inhaler is very expensive, but most insurance companies will pay for it "Health & Wellness". My copay was $0! I have not used it since last Friday and have not had any gum since Saturday. Since I am into week 3, I wanted to try and take more control of the cravings myself and so far I have gotten along great! They make a lot of sugar free candies that are nice to be able to pop in your mouth too. I like the cinnamon ones the best. Please hang in there and remember you are not alone!


Thanks for the advice to check with my insurance.  I think I did this too low to start as now I’m getting shakes, feeling hot and sweaty as well as more bouts with headrushes.  I really feel like I am losing my mind.  I’ve never been more anxious and depressed.  Everyday seems to get worse.  There are the other issues like my health and in 2 weeks my husbands passing anniversary.  I can’t even go back to smoking to get thru this as I’m on oxygen.   I feel so trapped.  


Honey, I am SO SORRY.  You know that smoking would not change anything, it would not bring your husband back, it would not magically make you well...PLEASE accept that and please know that you CAN get through feeling things without numbing yourself with nicotine.  I know how hard it is...I know how long I stuffed my feelings down.  The fact is they were always still there...they were just waiting for a chance to pop out and oftentimes when they did, they were way out of proportion to whatever was happening in my life.  Smoking trapped you...resent it, hate the addiction, understand that feeling is normal and that you are a LOT stronger than you think you are.  Your husband would be proud of you for being smoke free...celebrate his life, your life together, with freedom.

Big hugs,



hi I know you are scared and you feel alone, but you don't know strong you are until you've tried.  and know all of us here on this site are here for you we are your on big quitting support family   I get that way when im hungry.  big bear hugs, just breath and  as you breath let go of all your worries and fears breath in blue breath out black. nice slow deep breathes,  as you feel the knot  release inside your tummy. keep taking breathes.


Just a note to tell you I am thinking about you too and holding you in prayers. My heart hurts for you


Gwenivere how are you going?


3 and a half real cigs and about 6 lozenges.  Got some disturbing news where I volunteer yesterday and didn’t cave to more.  Just cried a lot.  


Make that 5 lozenges most days.

Not criticizing

5 lozenges equals at least 10 cigarettes and if you're using the 4mg, you're talking about the equivalent of whole pack.

and no, it's not the same delivery as a cigarette. a cigarette's nicotine hits the brain in 5-7 seconds.