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Advice for recent quitters?

I’m 17 and I am three days into my quit. I ditched all nicotine, and am going cold turkey from being the equivalent of a pack (pod) a day smoker. I had my first “smokemare” last night, and have had some cravings, but I’m wondering if anyone has advice on how to tackle the cravings or what really works. 

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10 Replies

Hi again.  I answered your other post.  Welcome to the Ex.  There are many techniques for cravings.  Did you read about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan?   That plan would include your tools.   I used keeping busy, walking, deep breathing, Sour Patch Kids and chewing on straws .   

My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX 



I did create my quit plan. My biggest triggers were driving, as well as certain bathrooms at school. I have decided to start driving different roads, and avoiding those bathrooms. Since I’m still in school, a lot of my cravings happen during class 


That's a good plan.  Learning new associations without smoking is part of a successful quit.

You might want to check this site out.  It's for young people who vape.  The Ex is also a part of the Truth Initiative 



I answered your other post, as well  I hope you will do the recommended readings, and use the provided tips!


Not applicable

Accept that there will be craves more than likely and that it's normal and you will be ok  . You are healing an addiction . 

When you crave and you want to vape don't . Do something different . Knowing your age , well no , it's good for all ages but we mostly don't think about it much when we are quitting smoking , but I would recommend walking, or the now thing seems to be yoga , harder than it looks lol . I just started lol .

I am very pleased and happy for you to see you quitting , wish I was that smart when I was seventeen .. Be the voice that will help other teenagers .  You matter . 


Hi and Welcome Jm2002 to Ex’s...

/blogs/Maggie_quit_8-1-2010-blog/2012/03/19/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoking?sr=search&searchId=3... ... when driving have hard candy available and bottled water...I can’t help with bathrooms and smoking/vaping...when I went to high school you would be suspended if you smoked in a bathroom...

Keep close to the support group for help...we are here for you...~ Colleen 461 DOF 


Jim, watch out hanging with the crowds that use nicotine. Pick a few of your girl friends that don't like nicotine/pods.The female has ways to make you feel better with encouragements.


Jm2002, thank you also. I took a big step in reducing my dependency just moments ago. Was way to easy getting cigarettes when was your age. Smoking was allowed in most southern schools, during breaks between classes, "heads up" you could be smoking next to the principle. Condoned destructive habit. Bad to know the funds wasted and the stink we tolerated for finding a calming effect. Just going to have to beat this habit, doesn't matter if one is young or fit, eventually there coffin nails.

Good luck to you and your paths.


Good luck to you as well 

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