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Addict or EX-Addict?

I've been following a couple of threads in here, and started wondering about this website's NAME....BECOMEANEX. There is an addage..."Once an junkie, always a junkie". Here, it's "Once an addict, always an addict".
I believe that smoking is an addiction, not to nicotine, but to smoking...the ACT. How is gambling an addiction when there is no drug? How is pornography an addiction when there is no drug? Smokers are slaves to the act of smoking, and nothing more. When you realize THAT, you have taken your first step to freedom.
Are you people addicts or EXaddicts? Why are you counting days and minutes since your last cigarette? And counting dollars and cents saved by not smoking?
I would deduct that you are still addicts...or junkies! When will you become an EX?
Until that time comes when you completely FORGET about it, you are still a slave to the devil.
I became an EX the moment I put them down in 1974. The only reason I still remember that is because it became real to me four days later, on a Sunday. I still don't remember which Sunday.
Nearly all of the folks in here seem to be doing this EX thing on their own. I don't think of myself as an EX, but rather, a NON. I came to realize that I am a treasure, found by the Living God, in a garbage heap. He bought the garbage heap with all He had, just because I was there. WOW! If He would do that, He would certainly deliver me from a stupid weed. And, He certainly did. All praise to the Living God.
Now, what are you going to do? Still be a slave? Or, be set free?
Your call.
Etiquetas (1)
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9 Respuestas

First of all if you are proclaiming that GOD saved you from the addiction of smoking then you believe in HIM right? Well question why are you knocking and putting down other who choose to say that they are and EX? which I say I AM ! Why are you so concerned with other counting the days that they have not smoked and the money that they have saved if they are successful with their methods and are NOT smoking? congrats on you with you being a NON smoker, but don't be soo obvious with your judging by writing a long thread claiming that EX smokers are still slaves to ciggs and YOU are set free because you choose to call yourself a NON- smoker, same difference!! If anything you should be happy that others are NOT smoking by WHATEVER WAY and encourage others to make it as long as you have.

*** Hey your theory works for you but it doesn't have to be for everyone
*** I don't consider myself a junkie because like you said I would never be healed
*** Maybe I could understand where you are coming from but I choose NOT to because your attitude and vibe in this thread is NEGATIVE
*** Don't go around insulting other people's methods for quitting because you make YOURSELF look like a HATER !!!

**** If you believe that I am out of line then you can explain what you are TRYING to say better but I believe I get the picture

peace and blessings
Mizz B
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Mizz B,
Are you judging me? Am I knocking you for what you do? Why do YOU judge and yell at ME for judging?
First, let me explain that I applaude anyone who puts down his cigarettes. But, is he free from them? Maybe not.
Are you free? Maybe...maybe not. It is reflected on how you handle yourself. You are a mirror of your soul. If you are angry at me (appears from your post) look inside at your fears. Anger always follows fear.

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O what nonsense! Sry not trying to be mean to each his own.I believe in god as well in my own way anywhoo..Addiction how can you say why folks do what they do most people are addicted to the feelings from these acts not the act itself.Addiction is both mental and physical.He who is without sin cast the first stone! AND Thou shall not judge are words that came to my mind from the bible as I read your post. Theres also a passage about love in corinthians 3:14,to me it is the best passage in the bible .Mabey you should refresh and reread it. That is just my opinion though.All of the lovely people on here keep up with the good work! Keep doing whatever works for you if it keeps us from smoking who cares what small minded folks think!
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Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. - The Bible : 1 Corinthians 13:4 -
I just had to post it the word are beautiful even if you are not a religous person!
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Not judging you, just calling you out on the post that you left, it is loud and clear what you are saying. Are YOU a mirror of YOUR soul? you started the thread speaking about others and their way of remaining smoke free. angry, no. just a little teed off at your claims and how you justify what you are saying. If your thread was suppose to be helpful then I ask that you try again because it falls short of being supportive. Counting my days has personally gave me a sense of accomplishment so you can't generalize your comments to everyone

peace and blessings
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O no I left it everyone to read but mostly for the poster I felt as though tey were being a bit harsh on the people of this site.
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all i can say is "WOW" i guess there is always someone in the bunch that tries to ruin it for ppl. all i wanna say is that
I love this group and the ppl that help keep me smoke free and the 1's i can help too. And i love saying that i am going to be smoke free for 4 months in 2 days.....we earned any time we have to shout it from the roof tops...because when we say whatever time we have we feel like winners. and that is what we all are WINNERS
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I'm glad he quit and considers himself a non smoker. I'm also proud of all of us on this site who have quit or are trying to quit. I couldn/t dol it without the great support I find here. I don/t care what you call me as long as you congratulate me for not smoking one more day. I'll be here to support you no matter what your decision is and I'll not judge you or be negative when you have a set back.
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YES! I loved what you wrote. What you said was fabulous and I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for your post.
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