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Give and get support around quitting


A Wise Elder Once Said....

"If you quit smoking and you are still smoking, you are doing it wrong". 

JonesCarpeDiem‌ 5/17/17 

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11 Replies

That wonderful the pebble in the shoe!!!!!!!!!! Prairie 40 DOF

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Very good post.  I was never a heavy smoker and few people knew I smoked so I would often tell myself it wasn't so bad to just sneak one "every now and then". I was so wrong!  You either smoke or you don't.. no in between!  It's a yes or no answer and I'm glad to be answering "NO" for the past 60 days and from here on out.  Just as there is no safe cigarette, there is no safe way to smoke.. "cutting down" to one or two cigs a day doesn't spare you the risks of smoking related disease... quitting lowers it over time. I have stopped telling my husband that I'm "trying to quit"... I AM quitting.  I am doing it!    I wasn't "trying" when I was still giving in. Thanks for sharing.  I feel blessed to be able to draw strength from wonderful posts like this one.