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Give and get support around quitting


7 Days to quitting - and unsure if I can do it

I'm unsure if I will be able to really quit and I'm also unsure I'm typing my msg in the right place?

Not at all computer literate when in comes to social media so maybe no one will see this?

I need to be in touch with anyone willing to support me in my new challenge of quitting next week.

I started my cigarette tracking this morning and also began My Quit Plan - don't even know if I did that right!

Well, in case anyone reads this:

I'm Brenda or Bree

Pretoria South Africa

Smoker for 4 decades

Gave up once in 2014 and lasted  smoke free for 5 weeks but then my mom died 

At that time I was with a support group called Stay Quit from the UK, but cannot find them online now so am really holding high hopes for support from people on this site.

Quit date 20 Feb

I'm finding this site a bit confusing but that might just be my general idiocy.  Even Facebook is beyond me - but I keep trying.  I  can like, share and comment on other people's messages.  I've yet to understand walls, timelines, uploading, downloading or attaching pics.  (See?  pics!  I know something else!)  Instagram and twitting...haven't even tried!

Please someone, find me and help me quit - and tell me if this msg should have been written somewhere else.

I admire every one of you I've read about.



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61 Replies

Hi Bree--- welcome!  .   Like you I smoked for nearly 4 decades. I'm now 109 days free of nicotine.  This site was instrumental in my quit success. I know you can do it! Stay close, read as much as you can, educate yourself on the true dangers of nicotine, so important.  First week-10 days will be the toughest but no doubt in my mind you can be successful! One day at a time. Everyone here is cheering for you and available for support. I check out conversations just about everyday although I don't personally converse everyday because of time constraints. The site is a huge support regardless your level of participation. Heck, I'm so proud of you already planning the commitment, after 4 decades, it can be scary and tough---- but I need to tell you, you won't regret your decision and my health has improved immensely since I quit plus my family is so proud of me. Within 10 days alone my blood pressure dropped from the 140s to the teens!     I'm now walking 3-5 miles several times a week and riding my bike 5-8 miles. I still occasionally have serious cravings, not going to lie, but they don't last but a few minutes and I NEVER want cigarettes to control me again. Glad you've found the site, there's a lot of really wonderful, caring people here.  

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Thanks for your welcome and inspirational words.


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You need to take away the power you have given to the fear of quitting.  I won't tell you it is easy but I will tell you that it is a LOT easier than pulling around an oxygen tank behind you.  The discomfort you feel from withdrawal will go away, the damage you do to your body by smoking, is irreversible.  No crave ever killed one can say the same thing about smoking.  Please read as many blogs as you can and see how others have dealt with their craves and how they have gotten past them.  We WANT you to be successful, I haven't smoked now in over three years but I remember my failed quits and I remember my early days with this, my FOREVER, quit.


Quitting Smoking is definitely difficult to say the least but it's absolutely Doable and so worth it to be FREE, I smoked for 40 yrs also and am so thankful that I chose to quit smoking and you can too one precious smoke free day at a time. Bree19

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I haven't seen you since Saturday, are you okay? How is your quit going? Can I help?  Let me know!  ~Terrie~

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Me or Marilyn?  I'm absolutely fabulous.  Day 17!  Just heard my uncle passed away in Sacramento (80 and very ill the last year) so have been peaking to long lost cousins all over the place, crying a lot, laughing some too but ...Not one puff.

Yay me!

Congratulations on 17 DOF!

Great Job!

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TerrieQuit‌ MarilynH and Thomas.

I was just wondering if the 3 of you and all my EX friends (the EXperienced ones), remember how uplifting it is to get messages like these.  You've been quit so long, and talk back and forth so much and go away together that I decided to just remind you of the influence you have on us's hard to explain what little messages like yours mean to us. My heart feels completely uplifted now and I even have butterflies (the good kind) only because you took the trouble to respond.  What you guys do is priceless and you make it look effortless even though there MUST be days when you just want a break.   Thank you!



Thank you Bree19 for your kind words this morning which has helped to make my day alot brighter, thanks again my friend and fellow Exer.

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I'm so sorry about your Uncle Bree19 my sincere condolence to you and your family but I'm so proud of you and your awesome 17 precious DOF and counting WTG my friend and fellow Exer, yay for you and your awesome ongoing beautiful, glorious, spectacular, splendiforous quit....