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6 Days In Feeling Weak

Day 6 and have been using patch and supplementing with nicotine gum until about 10 minutes ago.

The thought of these withdrawal symptoms continuing for weeks as I step down nicotine just guarantees I will fail.

Going off of NRT is a risk, but at least I know nicotine will be out of my system in 3 days, and honestly, anxiety and withdrawal couldn't possibly be any worse.

Was hoping day 6 would feel like an accomplishment but knowing I could have eliminated nicotine from my system 3 days ago makes me feel like I've accomplished nothing. Even considering changing quit date to today.

GenX Jono
20 Replies

2-3 weeks are the most difficult initially. Give it another week.

Say "I don't do that anymore" every time you think of smoking.

Find something that gives you dopamine. I played guitar my first two weeks.

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