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Give and get support around quitting


5 more days

5 days amd I stop. It will not be easy by any means. I am already stressing!!!
I will be bloging here for a while so I can stay strong.

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3 Replies

Hi Valerie,

No, it won't be easy but anything worthwhile in life is never easy. Just be prepared. Are you doing the EX program and tracking your cigs? We think we can't be without our sicko sidekick so we stress when the quit date is approaching. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Don't let that NICODEMON take control of you. Fight it with everything you have. Go for walks (((walking is a great stress reliever, too))). Excercise... amazing what a little workout will do. Do you have projects lined up to keep you busy for the first few weeks? Make a list of them....cross them off as you finish them.........nothing like looking at your accomplishments to keep you going. Are you writing down the specific reasons why you are quitting? Are you looking at them every day...when you get stressed or scared about quitting?

Remember you are changing your life from an addiction which controls you to a life of freedom.. You will be going through a process like a butterfly removing itself from its chrysalis....becoming beautiful and able to fly. Like the caterpillar you have the strength to fight your way out because you have a purpose...........a purpose to change into something beautiful and to fly as high as you desire.

We are here to support and encourage you. You have fellow EX's that are going through or have been through the same thing. Isn't it wonderful you have it? I didn't have it available to me when I quit but I made it anyway. I was determined. You must be determined. No excuses. YOU MUST DECIDE THAT SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION.
Go to Whyquit. If you like to read, get a book called The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino. It will change your perspective on everything in your life.

Hold on to your decision and follow through. Best!!!
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i've been blogging here to stay strong and it's helped me TONZ!! i quit cold turkey 4 days ago.. i thought i was really going crazy those first 3 should watch a video that will help you stick to your decision
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Hi, Valerie...Good Job on deciding to quit...and believe me - - you can do this !!!

Instead of spending the next 5 days to your quit stressing out how hard it's gonna be - oh, my gosh...I'm gonna quit...this is gonna be's hard to quit !!! ....Why don't you spend a little more time in these next 5 days building up your confidence...tell yourself you not only CAN do this; but you WILL do this.

It's only as hard as you make it - that's right - YOU !!! Like Polly said; it's not only a physical addiction; it's a mental addiction. Long after the nicotine has left your system, and your body is healing, and breathing...your mind will be playing games with's called the cravings, or craves. Get one up on them....keep telling yourself N.O.P.E. - - Not One Puff Ever !!! Give yourself something else to think about...something else to do. I see alot of new quit's here just totally obsessing with the idea that they can't smoke...that they're angry, and usually smoke when they're angry !!! etc., etc....You get the idea.....Just get ready with the thought process now, and it will make it easier !!!

Every cigarette you smoke between now and your quit.....notice how nasty they are bad it smells ??? And this smell is on your hair; your clothes, in the car (if you smoke in the car)...and gosh - if you smoke in the house; get loaded up on the'll start to notice the smell on the fabrics, the drapes, the bedding...yuck !!!

You are going to be SOOOO happy with the fresh smells you will notice when you quit...and I wish you luck - I offer all the support I can muster...and I'm here if you need me !!!!
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