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46 Days Quit is like a roller coaster

Hi Mark, right now I can't stop crying, I think it has been 46 days I am like a roller coaster, I feel like I am going to break, I do need so help. Helen. 

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16 Replies

At this stage, you will notice you have good and bad days.  Some days you cry if you drop something or even if you bump into something.  Other days you're just fine.  I noticed in my case it was cyclical.  One month it stuck around for 3 weeks and the next month it was only for 2.  It seemed to lessened as each month passed.  Hang in there.  46 days is huge, really huge

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Image result for cat screaming on roller coaster ride

Hold on and scream. 

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It gets easier, even though it is hard to believe sometimes.  You can do this, you really can.  Smoking fixes nothing.  Remember that and promise yourself you will not smoke unless you KNOW that a cigarette will really make things better.  Once you accept that, the rest is just back to that one day at a time business...hang in there.


Roller coaster for Sure! But hang in tight and it will all be worth it - believe me! Congrats on knowing you don't want to smoke and on protecting your beautiful quit! 

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Hi, Helen, I cried a lot and slept a lot and ate a lot! You are doing great! Congratulations on 46 DOF!  ~Terrie~

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Hello Helen. I shed plenty of tears myself and I am still known to shed a few of them. It is all ok and still possible to get up and keep on doing and keep on going through the tears. Keep on moving and keep on doing! Congratulations on your 46 days! Awesome!  

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I went through a period of crying that I could not explain, I really think that it is because we are actually feeling things without trying to numb ourselves with nicotine.  Life is filled with good and bad, happy and sad, it is filled with ups and downs, when we quit smoking we learn to deal with those things the way people who never smoked always did.  Congratulations on 46 days, the more days you stack, the easier it will get.  You will realize that smoking was not a friend, it was trying to kill you.  Smile because you are taking care of yourself, you have a lot to be proud of.
