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Give and get support around quitting


4 days in and struggling


I too am just joining the group. I was looking for a group just like breathless and felt the same when I saw this one. I am on my 4th day and really struggling this time around. I've quit many many times in the past and for some reason this time is way worse than the others. The first 2 days didn't seem that bad but on the third day I was really starting to feel the emotional and physical withdrawls and it seemed to pick up speed and is really hitting me hard today. It's so strong I just wanted to curl up in a ball in the corner and wait for it to be over. Unfortunately that's not an option 🙂 I have a toddler, a husband (who I refer to sometimes as my 16 year old), 3 dogs, 2 cats and 6 goldfish that need me for survival.

I decided that since I was having such a tough time I better reach out. So here I am........
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6 Respuestas

I quit before also, and day 3-5 were the worst. Of course, I just fell off the wagon on day 2, but jumping right back into quitting again. Keep busy, really busy, and when you get that urge, let the hubby know that you need a quit jolt of support. =D
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Hi Heather, I was a 20+ year smoker, quit once about 17 years ago for about 1 year and started back, that was when I was pregnant with my oldest who will soon be 17.(I also have a 15 yr old, a 11 yr old, 2 dogs, 5 fish, and one husband) I didn't try to quit again until this time which will be my last time! All I can say is if quitting is something you really want then it will happen for you. It's not easy, but does get easier to deal with with each passing day. If I can do it, let me tell you so can anyone else.
Take care & Lots of luck 😃

My quit began Two Months, Four Days, 8 Hours and 56 Minutes ago, while extending my life expectancy 7 Days and 22 Hours, by avoiding the use of 2288 smokes that would have cost me $430.16.
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Thanks so much for the support - it really does help! I'm actually doing much better. I had to have an MRI on my knee on Monday and while I was lying there getting it done I realized how relaxed I was and that I wasn't dealing with the "monster" at the moment. I had head phones on and I was listening to jazz - I was all by myself in a room where there weren't any "chores" I had to take care of. When it was over I felt GREAT! Even my husband noticed the difference. I was more relaxed and smiling. The MRI only took about 20 minutes. We talked about this and figured out that really there are no breaks for me now that I have quit smoking.

When I was smoking - I ALWAYS took at least 5 minutes to "feed the monster" and because we didn't smoke in the house I was always completely alone when I did this. Even if my son was in the backyard with me he was always playing on his swing set or climber toys etc - so I was still getting that break.

So what I learned from this was if I'm going to get through this I need to give myself some time where I am completely alone to recharge. If I can take 5 minutes to smoke then I can take 5 minutes as a non-smoker to recharge!
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I'm Ellen and I'm on day 3 of not smoking...I'm chomping on my gum like I'm trying to injure it!!! It's hard but I'm not turning back. Are you doing the patch or gum or anything??? I'm finding the gum helpful because it's something to "do" when I have a craving...the patch just seemed to passive for me. I have two teenage sons and a great husband who all need me...I have to be successful at this quit... Keep going...we are in this thing that I find helps me is taking a deep breath in and saying "health"...and on the exhale saying "eeee"...healthy...try it and keep writing!!!
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Ellen, if you are truly ready to quit then quit you will. It won't be a cake walk but you can do this!! Keep your mind busy with other things you enjoy 😃
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Hi Ellen - I'm so sorry for it taking me so long to get back here. I'm actually on day 2 - again - I blew it on June 27th but re-grouped (I never give up) and quit on July 4th - I picked that day hoping it would stay in my mind that this is my independece day from smoking!

You are right we are in this together. It really helps to write to one another even if it's just venting.

I'm actually using 3 things now to help me quit. The doc put me on Wellbutrin about 6 months ago and it did work in that I could go 3 to 4 hours without having a smoke without even trying. I usually have a cigarette every 1 1/2 hours or so. I'm also using the 14 mg patch - the 21 mg is too much. And for psychological purposes the doc gave me the ok to use 1/2 piece of 4 mg gum when the emotional part of me feels like I'm going to break. I don't like the full piece of the nic gum for some reason - it's the tecture or something once I get chewing. I have tried it all in the past and finally went to the doc for some help. Which is how I ended up with this combination. The first thing I tried was Chantix, which I was amazed that it really worked like it said it did but I became very nauseated and I couldn't stay that way with a toddler :).

Let me know how things are going. The connection with everyone keeps me sane.

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