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34 hours

Okay I haven’t used my vape in 34 hours now. I’ve used nicotine gum intermittently (4mg) but not as often as I vaped. I feel like I’m dying. Literally I am SO exhausted since stopping that it feels impossible to make it through my day. I slept 8 hours plus a two hour nap and still feel like I could sleep all day long. I was vaping 5% nicotine so 50mg? Going through a pod every two days. I’m worried about being so tired. Is this normal?! As I type this my brain is telling me to just go buy another pod because it can’t be that bad for me and I don’t want to be this tired, but I know that’s the nicotine addiction talking and I’m trying to not give in to it but it is hard. How tired is too tired??

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4 Replies

Welcome to EX, sounds like you are having some difficulty.  Are you staying hydrated?  Water is very important in the process of detoxing. If you feel tired try to rest as often as you can. Thirty-four hours is a brief period compared to the time you vaped.  Please give it some time.  You have to go through withdrawal.  Throughout the first week may include a headache, increased appetite, dizziness, constipation, stomach pain, fatigue, and insomnia. Also, many smokers begin to develop a tightness in the chest, begin to cough or notice an increase in mucus. This is because the respiratory system has begun to heal, and is in the process of removing the irritants that it was previously unable to do. To learn more about withdrawal use the magnifying glass top right corner to search. 

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Welcome to EX, many people are exceedingly tired when they withdraw from nicotine.  Please keep in mind that it is a very powerful drug and we are all addicts.  The more you know about nicotine addiction, the better.  Your BRAIN isn't telling you to go buy a pod, your addiction is.  You also should not have anything to put a pod into, it is strongly recommended that you get rid of anything and everything related to your addiction.  For me, that was cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays, my butt can...anything and everything that reminded me of smoking.  I had a doctor tell me once that when people stop smoking and feel disoriented or tired, it is related to the fact that they have forgotten how to breathe.  I suspect it is the same with vaping.  Take a deep breath in and hold it for a few seconds, like you would the vape and then exhale very slowly through pursed lips.  It really helped me to get through some craves.  This is a journey and not an event and there is no way to speed it up, there are no shortcuts.  It does get easier, stay close to the site, read everything you can find and understand that you have to commit to your quit, there is no way around it.

Again, welcome.



"I had a doctor tell me once that when people stop smoking and feel disoriented or tired, it is related to the fact that they have forgotten how to breathe."

This made me smile because I think it's true!

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You have a head start knowing that that voice telling you to go back to your dependency is just the nicodemon. Hang on to that truth. 34 hours and you are tired? Not to worry. This is a big change and an opportunity for you to smober up--your head space will change day by day so just take it one day at a time and know that Ex is here for you 365.

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