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Give and get support around quitting


3+ year quitter picked up a cannabis addiction

Hi Everyone,

I am new here and can hardly navigate this site, so I hope I will be able to find this thread again later on to see if there are replies and engage with other people.

I feel like I have gone from one very bad addiction, nicotine, to another much less bad one, but still an addiction. I smoked cigarettes for decades and finally became nicotine free in 2015 and haven't touched a cig since then. Hooray. 

But I did pick up a cannabis addiction. Although it is not very much, less than one joint a day, I am continuously taking in small amounts to run an almost constant buzz.

Quitting nicotine was one of the hardest things I ever did and I'm proud of that accomplishment. I feel ashamed that now I have this other addiction to deal with.

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62 Respuestas

Googled support group for pot addiction and marijuana addiction - smart recovery came up and PLEASE do NOT take offense -  I am just HELPING like I was HELPED here from others for MY many addictions - gentle hug- HELPING just  like EVERYONE else here - thank you -  gentle hug.


I am hoping to leverage the coping skills I learned in quitting smoking to quitting cannabis.

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That's the way to do it! Years and years and years ago, I quit smoking pot and just stopped. I had no ill effects. It wasn't the super pot that's being sold today, but it was an every day thing. Not sure why I stopped, but that was a while back. As for stopping the cigarettes, I did use the cinnamon sticks like I mentioned. I still have some in my car. They should work for the behavioral portion of any kind of smoking. Give it a shot

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Thanks for your suggestion about the cinnamon sticks. I didn't use anything like that or plastic straws or toothpicks etc when I quit smoking nicotine and don't fancy the taste of cinnamon. I'm glad it worked for you.

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I know with me with smoking, I didn't know what to do with my hands.  I was a chain smoker back in the day.  So I usually either had an empty pen in my hand or a chapstick and rolled it between my fingers.  Another thing if it's boredom, do puzzles, take up knitting, crocheting, something to spark your creativity and requires concentration.  I know in my case way back when, when I smoked pot, I was just a lump.  My mind was just numb.  ambition was just sucked out of me, but I'm a creative soul at heart.  My first year quit, I must have crocheted at least 10 or more afghans, one after the other.  that's still my go-to activity in the evenings.  Find a creative outlet and you'll find yourself not even thinking about it anymore


Hi And Welcome to Ex’s...

Cannabis smoking is just as bad as smoking cigarettes if not worse...You are inhaling into your lungs and often one inhales even harder then one doesn’t with smoking cigarettes...Please read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX establish a quit date and learn about quitting...even though it targets smoking cigarettes, you can learn so much about the journey...Keep close to the site...and make your Day 1 Quit, Day Won....get started ... ~ Colleen 173 DOF 


I don't agree that smoking less than a joint of cannabis a day is worse than smoking a pack a day of cigarettes. I know it isn't good for my lungs either but there is really no comparison to the damage that smoking a pack a day of cigarettes does to the body, lungs and other organs.


It is as bad as smoking cigarettes if you want to quit it.

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I was referring to the effects on the lungs and other body organs. There is no comparison to the damage done by smoking a pack a day of cigarettes. 

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I agree with you on this.   You Exers  crack me up sometimes.  Because you quit smoking, you're marijuana experts.  Don't agree with most that's been said here.

