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3 Weeks

Whats up all. Today marks 3 weeks without cigarettes and 2 weeks without any nicotine at all. I was on the nicoderm step 1 patch and forgot to put one on after a week of use, and just decided to keep trying without any help and so far so good. The funny part is, when i was on the patch i would cheat maybe once a day or every other day, but ever since i stopped wearing the patch, i havent cheated even a puff. Im 27 and have smoked for about 6 years, with 2 breaks of 6 and 4 months during that span. Heres to hoping down the road i can say "Yeah i smoked from the time i was 21-27 but realized somewhere alont the way that my family has a history of cancer and i dont want to die"

Im not afraid of just not in a rush to! Good luck everyone

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