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3 Days Smoke Free... stomach problems?

I haven't smoked in three days and my stomach is upset; I'm also having a problem with constipation. Is this related to not smoking?
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16 Replies

Thanks RJ...thanks for sending the attachments.

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I just have to tell you, I just finished reading about the guy (2 years younger than me) who lost his leg, and the lady who is a couple of years younger than my mother with lung and brain cancer, and the lady who is as old as my youngest aunt struggling with medical expenses and possibly not seeing her daughter through high school because of lung and bone cancer that was deemed incurable, and wow.... The smokes are not worth it...

One thing to say about all of this, if my reading has taught me anything it is that forgetfulness, nausea, mood swings, and the works will happen either way, but we have the power to decide if it is because of withdrawal symptoms, or if it is because of cancer, chemo, heart disease, and the list goes on...
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I went through the same thing last week. One of the symptoms of nicotine wiothdrawal is constipation. Get Miralax. The first few days I felt like I had the flu. Hang in there. Don't smoke no matter what. Live through the will pass.
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Somebody else I spoke w/ recommended Miralax also. That's good to know.
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Looks like you received some great advice on here, nothing much more I can add to it. All I can say is yes - you are completely normal!
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Add plum juice, lots of water and check food labels for the highest fiber content. The added fiber will help with so much. I've read that it helps in weight loss and helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Good luck and Congrats on three whole days! YOU CAN DO IT!!
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It least the constipation. If you are still constipated that may be making your stomach hurt. Drink lots and lots of water. Gator aid is really good too. The more water you drink the softer your stools will get and it will make it much easier. The same thing happened to me and my sister (the RN) told me the water trick. If you are taking chantix that will make your stomach upset, especially if you are taking it with out food. You need a very full stomach when you take it. I certainly hope you feel better. Best of Luck! Mary
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