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Give and get support around quitting


Im an October quit. I have 12 days clean now!

1st 7 days i wore the patch and they helped greatly! even though i have 7 red circles going up and down my arm, i had an allergic reaction. When i ran out of patches, i couldnt afford the $30 for another box or $40 for the gum (this is ridiculous) they want everyone to quit, but make it so expensive to go through 6-7 weeks, which u need! But the good news is i really didnt need anything but a made up mind, for 5 days ive been cold turkey no nrt! ive been anxiou, hyper, aches and all, but ive been chewing gum and drinking lots of fluids, espeacially cold water that helps a lot, keep me in your thoughts! i want to quit FOREVER, its been 38 years of smoking, ive really had it! Im fighting with everything i got!
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3 Replies

38 years must be the magic number. That's how long I'd been smoking when I up and quit out of the blue earlier this year.

You are over the hump, now. Five days, all the nicotine is out of your bloodstream. The worst of the cravings are gone. Just keep doing what you've been doing and you'll have this thing licked once and for all and never have to do it again.

Keep focusing on the better life you will enjoy without being a slave to your nicotine addiction. I can't tell you what a nice feeling it is to wake up one day and take a breath without that smoker's wheeze. Or to feel cool air deep in your lungs. Or to watch people smoking and not want anything to do with that mess. You'll love it.

Then, to make sure you don't blow your quit, remember that you can't have one puff. Smoking a cigarette almost certainly means smoking all of them. Right back to a pack day.
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Hi Toni,
Can't wait to be at my 12 day mark. Congratulations! Good job and keep up the good work.
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Hello Toni and Congratulations.

My Quit Date was the 13th and I was also a 30 plus year smoker.
35 years keeping company with same family name, Marlboro.
Reds, mediums and lights but the same brand.
I almost felt guilty, like I was betraying an old friend.
I even wrote a short reading about the separation.

I know what you mean about the patches and gum being so expensive.
Perhaps there is a clinical trial study in your area.
Try Googling "Smoking Cessation".
I did that and found a smoking cessation program about 5 miles from where I live.
It turned out to be at the psych building of USF Campus where Moffitt Hospital, which specializes in cancer is also located at.

When I asked them how much the patches where, they told me that they would provide and that
the fact of the matter was, that they would be compensating me a hundred and something dollars for participating.
What a kick in the head!

So keep seeking my friend.
What you need will be placed before you at the right time.
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