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Give and get support around quitting

2016 Quitters

another. Quit smoking, start living.     2) Burn calories, not cigarettes.  Kick the butt – you can work out and get a better one.     3) Smoking cigarettes is like paying to have your life cut shorter – the most foolish thing anyone can ever do.     4) Smoking does not make you a KILLER per se, but your heart will drown in GUILT if second hand smoke gave someone in your own family a life-threatening disease. Save a lifetime of regret – quit today.     5) Replacing the smoke on your face with a smile today will replace illness in your life with happiness tomorrow. Quit now.
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18 Respuestas


My quit date is Jan 13...anybody else recently quite or planning to quite soon? I'd like to be in contact with a few people:)




My quit date was today. Was not that bad wearing the patch.  E-cig with no nicotine and being busy at work.  Now being home i DONT FEEL like cooking or anything.  Now I feel like I need a cig.  I will not have one because one leds me to 20.

I just want this to be over with 1st time I quit for 3 months.  I just want to quit for good.  Would love to join a gym but no energy hopefully by the end of the week.  Plus this makes me so confussed with this withdrawal.


Good Luck to all.
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We're here for you! Please join the Large Community in the Blogs! Tell us something about you and your addiction - you will receive instant support from many people!

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Hi!  My name is Allison.  This is my second time on  I failed before.  Which was totally up to me.


We know this website is to support, encourage and get us to get to and keep our quit.  We all know how difficult this is.


Today is day 5 of my quit.  It seems to have become my "angry" day.  I'm sure this is one of the typical days of qutting.  It sucks but I can deal with it.  I have a plastic straw I like to chew on.  


Welcome Ellen!  I've been smoke free for three weeks.  I'm doing very well this time around.  But that doesn't mean it's easy.  I'm glad you're here.  You'll find everyone to be friendly and very helpful.


Hey there "borsheaddeli88", thanks for the post...  I love it and found it very inspiring.

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Day 12 for me. I am hopeful in STAYING quit. I have quit before but staying quit was, well unsuccessful. So thanks to everyone in helping me and others commit to the quit.


Hello my name is Stuart, I am quitting more for the financial aspects but also for the family approval and health improvement.I I am on day 3 of the patch it is not been as hard as I was anticipating yet still difficult. Thanks to BoarsHeaddeli88 , that was very inspirational.
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I journal everyday.  During the past two years, I've gone through a lot of personal changes due to family dynamics and life changes.  I'm not complaining.  I call them my "transitional" years.  I'm also newly retired with more time on my hands than I knew/know what to do with.

As I started the new year in my journal, I saw a trend taking shape.  I am naming 2016 the year of "Leveling Up" for myself.  I have the resources and information.  Now it's time to take the next step and level up.  I've been resisting asking the Doctor for help to quit smoking for 3 yrs.  Last week I admitted that my own efforts do not work.

I started Chantix last week.  My quit date is tomorrow.  I'm scared and nervous as heck but I think I can do this.  No, I KNOW I will do this.   A funny thing has been happening during this past week.  When I light up to smoke a cigarette because I think I want one, it's like reteaching myself how to smoke.  I hate the taste.  The act itself makes me impatient for it to be over with.

Thanks for listening to me rant.  Aside from nervousness/fear, I am excited that I will finally walk away from this stinkin' habit.