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Give and get support around quitting


2013 Quitters

I didn't quit on the 1st but I hope I'm still welcome!  Today is my Day 1.  So far, so good.  I've had a number of cravings but have been able to get through them. The hardest time so far was getting off of work and not lighting up when I got to my car.  That used to be the closer, and way to wind down, after my work day.

 I'm using the lozenges as a quitting aid. It's hard to say if they are helping or not.  I'll stick with them though.  Congrats on your quit!  We can do this!

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Champix day 4 for me.

This is a serious attempt for me I am determined to relearn life without cigarettes and shall be smoke free on Tuesday.  Looking forward to hearing all your new coping strategies and sharing mine. Caroline x

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4 Days, 8 hrs. and 44 minutes!  WhooHoo!!!  How is everyone else doing today?

As I mentioned before, I work in a bar/restaurant so I am around a lot of people who smoke.  I found that last night at work, my sense of smell was very keen.  A lot of my co-workers also smoke and I could smell them as they passed by me after being outside smoking and they smelt so bad!  LOL  OMG!  Is this how I smelt to other non-smokers?  It's funny how only after a few days, my sense of smell is different.  I can also smell my own coat and clothes in my closet.  So on my day off (which is Monday) I am taking everything out of the closets, drawers and washing everything!

I have to use a lozenge still at work to take the edge off.  People can really stress you out!  I made a commitment to myself to quit smoking in 2013 and I am doing what it takes to keep that commitment. 

There are so many trigger points for me.  After 30 years of smoking it sometimes seems overwhelming!  But I look at my quit meter and that gives me the motivation.

Would love to hear how everyone is doing today.  HUGS!

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Hi , I haven't smoked in 6 days.  It took me getting acute bronchitis to enable me to smoke but im determined not to start back .  I talked to my doctor about this he said it would take a month to get it all out of my system . I feel like a junckie on dts but when I start feeling like this I say to myself, I WILL NOT LE SMOKING DEFEAT ME ,  and said it over and over until it passes

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My quit date is January 19th. Going to need all the support that I can get! ornings are the worse for me.

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6 days so far been through a few rough spots but made it through it ok

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Today was day 6 for me and it has been a tough day.  But I made it through!  There were so many times today that I felt like giving up and lighting up!  But I took one minute at a time and some very deep breaths and all turned out well!  Thanks to all my co-workers today who encouraged me not to give up!  Now onto Day 7!

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I think this is a great group.  My last pack I bought was the 1st. I decided to not buy anymore on the 2nd and to just finish up my pack.  I bought the patch, step 2, and have been on it for now 6 days.  I knew the day was coming and was preparing myself for it.  I  just had not picked an exact date.  For me, I just wanted to feel for the right moment.  I am on a break from school and staying at my sisters house.  The real challenge is going to be when I get back up to shool.  My roommate is also quiting and he stopped smoking the 2nd as well, although that was the day he stopped smoking all together.  We are both on the patch. 

I love how the path works.  It allows me to focus on the mental addection while I feed the chemical addection with the patch.  There are many times throughout the day that I would love to have a cig.  But it makes it so much easier to just say no not having the chemical craving for nicotine.  

I got this site from my nurse at school and decided to sign up today.  I am very excited that I have joined and have educated myself more on the addiction.  I am looking forward to my first week of being smoke free!

Goal today.  Get my car washed and the inerior cleaned.  No only is that going to help with the smell, but having my call clean makes me more motivated and feel more organized.  I love that!

Keep up the good work friends.  We can kick this to the curbe!!

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I just joined your group.  I hope this really works for me this time.  Today has been a tuff day just because tonight at 10:43on it will be a whole week since I put out my last cig.  From the time I get up until the time I go to bed...all I think about is cigarettes.

But it was really tuff today because I was trying to figure out how to use this EX site..I am a computer dummy.

Good luck to all of you in this group . It is nice to be part of something where everyone knows how the other one is feeling...well..sort of.


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Tomorrow Im celebrating my first week free of smoke.I hope to keep on counting days,weeks,etc

All the best to all of you

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after reading some post I just joined this group as it seemed like the right fit.  I am on day 7 this morning of being smoke free.  I am trying this cold turkey and I must say like one of you mentioned day 6 was rough I so wanted to light up but fought through it and it survived.   Morning of day 7 has had a great start and many of my morning triggers I have sailed through.  AFter 20 years this is my first real attempt to quit and I am determined to become smoke free in 2013....  Good luck to all of you as well.  We can do it. 

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