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Give and get support around quitting


20 year smoker turned happy non-smoker 6 years ago - ready to help

Hi all, I simply had to join for two reasons:


1) I am currently writing my book on how to quit smoking using what I call "the Quitting Code"

In it I am sharing my simple, natural, drug-free "secrets" about how to quit smoking gently. Discussing things here is important to put my writing into perspective and hopefully I find some inspiration here too.

2) I am ready to help anyone who wants tips or advice. Just ask. The quit smoking journey is a fantastic way to find out what makes you tick. To me, quitting smoking made me realize how to tap into my true power of choice and how I can create my life by design rather than continue to be the victim of some compulsive, addictive behaviour I learned sometime in the past when I was innocent about most things in life but thought I knew it all...

This site is awesome, I hope everyone here becomes a natural non-smoker again (we were ALL born that way), even if things may appear hard at the start - Quit smoking is 100% absolutely positively worth it - keep going, never give up.

Quitting smoking was one of the best things I have ever done - you can do it, no doubt about it.

My 4 top tips are:

+     Instead of focusing your thoughts and energy on quitting smoking - concentrate on re-learning non-smoking!

+     Consider that using replacement nicotine in any form only feeds your body the exact poison it is desperately trying to flush out of the system since the first day you smoked! Do non-smokers use nicotine patches? No, they would feel sick!

+     Model yourself on successful new non-smokers and get their help and advice. They know how you feel because they have been there themselves. There will be something in what they share that will be useful to you in your own quitting journey.

+     Beware of all "quitting aids" other than your own thinking mind. You didn't need a "smoking aid" either...


Quit smoking happy 🙂

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2 Replies

So I can just drawn out process or anything?  I know it will be hard for awhile but I just want to stop.

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Hi Ann,

That's what worked for me. I have posted a long answer to your question you asked on my other post. see here

Drawing things out does not seem to be your style... simply relate to quitting like something new and slightly unfamiliar. allow yourself to adapt to the new lifestyle. Do not experiment with having a puff or two -> just "trying to quit" is the worst, it keeps you stuck in a place you don't want to be. Focus on what you desire and it will be in your life.

Othe people may suggest using patches or gum or something. I don't. Hoever, its your choice of course. Please read my other answer for more details.

Enjoy the journey - Quit smoking happy 🙂

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