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Give and get support around quitting


2 weeks into quit .

2 weeks into quit . Tried the gum to help with my withdrawal symptoms first 2 days but I think it made the anxiety so much worse . So I've been smoke free for 2 weeks and I'm so proud of me. But it does seem as though the cravings are getting more intense.. What can I do ?

Etiquetas (1)
15 Respuestas

What can you do?  You are DOING it, coming here for support, telling your story.  It really does get easier. Remember that this is a one day at a time journey.  Welcome to EX.



Hi, I am using the patch, I stared with the number 2, skipped 1 so I could get off faster, it has helped a lot, keep me posted good luck. Helen.

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How's it going for you now, Zak?  Anything eased up yet as far as cravings?  Here's a re-focusing technique that has helped many.  Maybe it will you also:  Craving Buster Technique‌  Stay true to that Best of you!


It's a little better not craving as much .. But now I have this and clearing of my throat and a light cough that I didn't have the first week.. And it feels like it's mucus stuck in my throat .. What can relieve this ? And thank you so much for asking I really appreciate the caring words ..

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I can't speak to your specific clearing of throat and cough, but for many here that has been true in the early stages of their quits.  The little cilia which have been paralyzed by smoking are coming back to life.  Which is a GOOD thing.  And so they're attempting to clear out all the cr*p that they haven't been able to before in our lungs.

What can relieve it?  Perhaps some of the OTC mucus- busting medicines out there, certainly one can't drink enough water.  So - drink water!  Water helps to flush our systems in many ways.  But I'd say just - "go with the flow" for a bit.  It should calm down in not too long a time.  Obviously if it keeps up for quite a while,, then it needs to be checked out.  

Personally, I've squirted water up my nose (solution below) so it comes down the other nostril side - very unpleasant process, but it does help clear the mucus out.  This is the solution my ENT doc recommends (almost demands! lol)  from his office:  "1 quart clean container filled with purified water, I think.  Didn't write that down  Maybe distilled, but as I recall it was purified.  .  Add 2-3 heaping tsp canning salt + 1 teasp baking soda. Squirt up nose twice a day."   Or you could try a neti pot.  I just went with the direction from my doc.  Obviously the salt is to dry up the mucus and the baking soda is to remove bacteria.  At least that's what I assume.  I wasn't told what it did to help, just that I should employ that technique.    I am NOT a doctor and I am only giving you my own doctor's recommendation.  Below is an image of the type of bulb I used.

Again, it's not a very pleasant process.  And definitely hold your face over the sink if you should try it.  But I found it did help to clear my sinuses - kind of.  

Here's a link to another doc recommending the same thing: 



Thank you Giulia. I'm going to try the solution and see if it helps.. if not I'll take a otc.

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