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Give and get support around quitting


2 weeks in

I have 2 weeks off smoking today.  I am going cold .  On this website they say after day 3 your cravings should be getting better.  Mines are getting worse.  But I expected this it happened when I quit before I had cravings for a few months with time it does get better though.  I just hope I can keep this going I really want a cigarette but I know I cannot stop at one I will smoke the whole pack before the day is out.  To everyone quitting keep up the good work

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11 Replies

Congratulations on two weeks of freedom. Be proud of yourself. While withdrawal can be challenging, it can help if you look at the symptoms as signs that your body is recovering from the damage smoking has caused.  Many people find withdrawal symptoms disappear completely after two to four weeks, although for some people they may last longer. Symptoms tend to come and go over that time. Remember, it will pass, and you will feel better if you hang on and quit for good.  As time passes, you will find these symptoms grow weaker, and you will think about smoking less.   For more info go to


I think the nicotine is supposed to be out of our systems after three days but that's just physical...the psychological addiction has a tendency to kick into high gear after those first days.  It's a journey, it DOES get easier, just can't tell you exactly when since we are all so different...but it DOES get better.  I used the mantra NOPE, Not One Puff Ever when I first quit and I said NOPE over and over and over again.  Another very helpful response to a crave is: "I don't DO that any more."
