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Give and get support around quitting


16 DOF and feel like i'm starving

I can't seem to get enough to eat no matter what I do. Any good tips?

33 Respuestas

Thank you Prairieroselady...

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It WILL pass...see if you can replace some of the food with water or with activity.  I know that my appetite was decreased by smoking and I will admit that I was a bit concerned over becoming a bottomless pit.  I drank water, I did as much as I could in terms of exercising, it wasn't much at the beginning because I had been really ill.  I came to this site and I read and read and are going to get past this.  Certainly fiber and water help but I think that moving around helped and still helps me more.  I don't feel like I am starving any more and I don't feel like smoking either.  Moving around and exercising release dopamine for me and I just feel BETTER!  I rarely feel like eating and eating and eating when I feel really good.



Thank you Ellen...


Thank you all for the tips...


Water. Dill pickles have 0 calories. Add more things to your routine. High five on 16!


Thank you maryfreecig, this site is so very helpful i'm glad to have found it...


I craved salty foods. Instead of eating just regular potato chips I'd eat Chex Mix instead. Not the most healthy thing in the world but could be worse!  


We all ate  lot in the first stops after awhile. I used HALLS mentholyptus cough drops........because I literally got SICK of eating...but still was eating more. It's the hand to mouth smoking behavior that we just all needed to get over. The cough drops worked wonders because gave me something in my mouth without the sweetness of candy or gum (which became sickening after awhile) AND....all cough drops have a very teeny tiny amount of mouth anesthetic. I think that helped the cravings.

Other suggestion (not healthy for your teeth BUUUUUUUT) I chewed ice chips. This REALLY helped but----as stated----your dentist will yell at you.


Pistachios UNSALTED good for opening veins.....just sharing the love.... I ate tons of oranges and chewed double bubble by the buckets ate tons of applesauce with cinnamon... lol keep on keeping on thanks for sharing GOOD JOB staying NICOTINE FREE NO MATTER WHAT! 


I ate whatever I wanted , so am probably not the best to give advice. I am pretty avid mover and huge water drinker. I would recommend water-water-water. But most of all, I would not be so concerned about the weight right now and just concentrate on the quit. You will level off soon and your appetite will decrease. Try some green tea also. I have to say this about ice chips though to Sootie, a formal surgical assistant that worked sometimes for an Oral Surgeon when not at Hospital ...dont do it. Suck but do not chew on ice. That activity overtime, will crack your tooth enamel.