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Give and get support around quitting


15 hours without a cigarette

I am so proud of myself for taking this journey to finally quit smoking cigarettes.  This is not my first time trying, it is my fifth.  I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Most of my family and friends do not believe me when I told them yesterday that I was quitting for good.  Please keep me encouraged to stay on the straight and narrow!

20 Replies

How ARE you Kimba60‌?  Are you doing know we are can get the education and support that you need but you have to bring your own commitment.  We cannot quit FOR you but we sure can make it a lot smoother...we can answer questions and relate to you what has worked for us.  Staying close to the site is absolutely vital...I quit over 4 1/2 years ago after over 47 years smoking.  Without this site, my quit would have gone the way of my countless other failed quits.  I read blogs, commented, asked questions and asked for advice and I LISTENED...I cannot begin to explain to you what a difference all of the support meant to me and STILL means to me.  I have had lots of excuses to return to smoking but I recognized them as just that...EXCUSES.  One day at a time...sometimes, one feeling at a time.  I learned so much about myself that I never expected.  Quitting is yours for the taking.

