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Give and get support around quitting


11 days and 11 things I have notice changed.

Well it is my 11th day. I am amazed at how easy this quitting is getting. I guess I am just really lucky since I only smoked for four years. I understand a lot of people have more problems, but I have been awake for three hours. I have not felt the need for a cigarette. I have not even felt the need to have a lozenge in my mouth. This is how my past three days have been. I have only used 6-8 lozenge's in three days. This is amazing to me. I could have never done this without you guys. You guys have supported me and lifted me up so much I feel like I can do anything. Here are some changes I have noticed in the past 2 weeks.

1. I fall asleep at twelve midnight, and wake up at eight or nine. (I used to fall asleep at the same time, but wake up at twelve.)

2. When I wake up I don't want to have that cigarette hanging out my mouth.

3. When I am driving, I can hang my hand outside my window, but not even think about having one.

4. I can eat a huge meal, and feel sooooo full, but not want a cigarette.

5. When I am bored I don't think about smoking.

6. When I think about smoking the biggest smile comes across my face. This is because I know it no longer has a hold on me. I let this thought into my head, and wrap its fingers around my head. Then I just think about you guys, and laugh because my craving is gone that instant.

7. In three days I have only had 3 cravings.

8. I can smell how good my room smells, and smell how bad people who smoke smell. Additionally I can breath deeper, and don't get winded running up my stairs, or doing simple chores like cleaning my room or carrying laundry up the stairs.

9. When I do sexual stuff with my girlfriend I don't want a cigarette. (She is going to love this one!!)

10. When I drink I still do want a cigarette. I don't think this will ever change, so I guess I am done with drinking.

11. My sister's boyfriend has been talking to me about him quitting. I told him about this site, and we are going to look at it today together. For once in my life I can say I love myself, and truly mean it.

My girlfriend is my best friend. I truly am a blessed person. I love life. Thank you guys for giving it back to me!!!!!!!!! I really feel the closest to being healed then I ever have. I know I am not, and I will not stop coming to this site. I just wanted to let you know how good I feel!
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10 Respuestas

Awe...This is a great post to wake up too! Your the one doing all the hard work here, we're just here to help! Your doing a great job and you should be so proud!!!!!!!
You will find that as each day pass's the craves become less and less and you'll also see that you don't have to give the other things in life you enjoy ie drinking, forever. Just work through each crave one at a time and soon, you'll notice that they just don't come so very often.
Have a great Sunday and again, this is a great great post to see first thing in the morning!!!!

WTG Andrew. Your posts are an inspiration to me, I'm on day 5, at least I know it DOES get better!
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Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have yet to feel healed, although I feel 90% better, but I started smoking 25 years ago. I am so proud of you recognizing that smoking is just a plain nasty habit and decided to quit before you wasted years of money, smell, coughing, and even have to choose your relationships because of a smoking habit. Stay strong and smoking will be just a tiny part of your past.

LOL Your girlfriend is VERY lucky!!! Have fun!!!!!!!!!!
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As time goes by, your list will get longer and longer. Read this list when you're having a bad day. You're doing GREAT!
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Keep it going Andrew! Like Edith suggested, keep this list and keep adding to it. You don't ever have to smoke again. What a freedom that is for a young man!
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Well hon you have wrote another great blog that the newbies can really think about and something for them to look forward too when they reach 11 days. Anything after the first 7 days is great! My list is so long now it's unreal! Keep up your enthuiasim, forgive my spelling this morning, and you will keep on being successful in your quit! What do you have planned for your 2 weeks? Hope it is something really kewl!

Love ya
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Consider yourself lucky..............NO CONSIDER YOURSELF BLESSED!

So happy for you and having those gratitude's so early in your quit.

Lillian 336dof 

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Keep on keeping on NOT ONE PUFF OVER YOU...together WE will stay quit no matter what in Jesus name amen 

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It's been 8 years since you wrote this blog. How did it go for you? Are you still a happy non smoker?

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