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Give and get support around quitting


1 week!

Thank you to everyone who responded when I was so anxious prior to my quit date. As of about half an hour ago I reached one week and I'm so proud of myself. I quit cold turkey with no NRT. It was much easier than I thought it would be but so challenging nonetheless. I had a pretty bad day today with my irritability which seems to be the bigger issue as opposed to breaking habits. I am however committed to this quit and trust what people say that the bad days will become less and less. I have the Easyway mindset so I am staying positive. Thank you guys all for your support. This is obviously not the full story of what I've been through but I must relax now. I have been keeping things very simple to ensure my success through week one. I'm going to have to retrain myself on how to handle challenges.

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2 Replies

@Hope4now  Congrats on your first week nicotine free.  You're off to a great start on your journey.



I replied to your last post didn’t see you already went for it! Congrats! You’re amazing keep it going:)