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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


new here

Hello there! I am going to the doctor tomorrow to discuss medication options. In the past I tried slowly weaning myself of cigarettes and that did not work. I am hoping the Chantix will help reduce the urges. I have friends who swear by Chantix as the only thing to make them a permanent Ex and others who could not tolerate the side effects (nausea, mood swings, and even hair loss). Any opinions, suggestions, thoughts are appreciated!
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8 Respuestas

Congrats on taking the 1st step. Chantix will help but it is not a miracle drug. I successfully quit 12/30/07 after 40+ years of smoking and several attempts to quit. I cannot explain how Chantix helped me but it did. Will power, perseverance and taking the challenge to quit one day at a time will get you to becoming an EX. At first after quitting it will suck. Your desires to smoke will be strong and frequent but I promise you it gets better each day. I still get urges but only a few times a day and the desire vanishes within a minute. GOOD LUCK.
Sincere Regards,
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Hi Katie, I've been on Chantix twice. I did it last year and was smokeless for 8 months, it works. My Mom passed away this year and I just grabbed the smokes, so I'm on it again. If you follow the instructions it will work, also I suggest you join the Get Quit program that comes with the meds. and stay in this program. It's not going to be easy, yes you will have some side effects, I had vivid dreams and upset stomach, but it will pass. All of this combined will help you quit but only if you really want to, that's why you should start with getting rid of any smokes and definetly don't buy them, if you don't have them you won't smoke them. I can find a million and one excuse to pick up a cig., but I'm done with them, they won't solve any of my problems and I'll feel guilty afterwards any way. Hey if I can do this anyone can. Do it, you'll be amazed at how proud you'll be of yourself. Go for it, Maria
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Knowing that it will get better each day is a HUGE incentive~thanks and congrats to you!
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So sorry to hear about your mom passing away.
Thanks for the information. I have heard that sticking to the instructions is crucial. I checked out the Get Quit program on line and it looks like a great support system. Knowing that the side effects will pass is helpful.
Good luck to you!
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Good luck to you too. I have only tried cold turkey and gradually reducing the amount I smoke, neither worked and I too am hoping Chantix works for both of us!
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Hi Katie. I'm Katie too. I, too, am new here and will be checking out medication options. My sister-in-law is a physician's assistant and recommended Chantix to me. I'm going to talk to my doctor about it. I've tried the patch and Wellbutrin in the past, but neither worked. I'm really hoping Chantix works. Let me know if you decide to use it. Good luck!
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🙂 Just what I was looking for. I quit today so took full dose of Chantix today and now i'm feeling a little sick and a little woozy. I'm home so safe and all that but would hate to feel this way during my whole quit process. I will not ever smoke another cigarette!!! With that said, I sure hope I feel better soon. How long did your side effects last?
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Take the Chantix as indicated in the box. I had the side effects for about a week. The worst one is the nausia. Hang in there it will pass.
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