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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Starting taking it 1st week of April

In March I tried the Chantix. I was hoping that it would be the wonder drug I had hyped myself up to believe, but the side effects were terrible. I couldn't sleep,and when I did, it was restless, with terrifying dreams. My doctor offered Wellbutrin, it helped me not end up on a roof top with a rifle, but I definetly went through withdrawls from nicotine. Yikes! But I am feeling better, less angry and jittery. Been smoke free for 2 weeks and 2 days now.

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5 Respuestas

I started Wellbutrin 100 mg SR a few days ago and didn't like the way it made me feel. I felt kind of doped up and had no energy at all at night. Did you notice any effects? What does the XL stand for?
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The XL is the one a day. I take 150mg. They said it would take abou 4-6 weeks for it to settle in my system. I feel dizzy sometimes. I am especially tired at night, but I feel ok, its gotten less and less each day, week. I still have mad cravings, but it makes it a bit more bearable.
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The first three days I took it (only in the morning) I felt so mellow and could have easily not had a smoke. I should have quit then but was waiting for the 8th day like they tell you to do. On the fourth day it really hit me and I felt like I was stoned and even my legs felt rubbery when I walked. I really hated the feeling. I didn't take it after that (Thursday). Also I had no interest in doing anything when I got home because I felt really tired. I'm thinking about starting again tomorrow and see how it affects me. I took it 7 years ago and it was great for me then. I didnt want to take the 150 mg because I thought it might be too strong and give me insomnia.
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wellbutrin is working well for me. even though i have not completely stopped (i only smoke at work and no more than 3 a week), i have noticed that i can go all weekend and endure any event i.e. social, church, resturants, etc. without running out the door to puff. today, i smoked the last cigarette from a pack i bought last month. and so far so good.
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That is great. I haven't had one since April. I am not sure if it the Welbutrin, I think its more will power, but the Welbutrin seems to have taken the edge off. I also take a half dose of Lexapro when I have real high anxiety days. That really seems to help also.
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