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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Starting Chantix Today for the 2nd time!

Good morning all! I am starting Chantix today! I had taken it Jan 07 for 1 month and I quit for 9 months! Went back for stupid reasons but I really want to quit.
Anyways, the first time I took it I really dont remember any side effects except being nauseas and some sleeplessness. Ate the right foods w/it and cut down the dose at bedtime and that solved it. I am taking it for the first time today and feel a bit light headed. Anyone else get that?

I am looking forward to getting to know you all and I am really looking forward to saying good bye to cigarettes!
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5 Respuestas

Hi Laura ! Tomorrow will be 14 days for me, smoke free. This is the first time I have quit in 35 years of smoking. I think Chantix is great stuff...with the exception of the first day it has not been bad at all.
I am taking the full blue pill in the morning and evening and I have dreams that seem to last for hours and my appetite seems somewhat decreased. ( Which is fine with me 🙂 )
Yes ! The first couple of days I was a litlle bit light headed too but that went away after a couple of days. Sometimes I get kinda quiet and don't feel like talking, but not too often.
Good luck with your quit !
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Hi Laura,
I'm on the last leg of my Chantix journey! I only take one pill a day now, trying to ween myself. I didn't have sever side effects, I had nausea in the beginning but like you said, eat right and that goes away. I am so thankful for Chantix! Without it, I don't think I would have made it this far! I smoked for 30+ years, 2 packs a day towards the end. Today I come here Celebrating 57 days of smoking FREEDOM! Chantix does "help" but the REST is up to you!
Prosper in peace
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ARE YOU TAKING Day 1 thu 3 0.5 mg one white pill or half blue pill one time a day. Day 4 thu 7 0.5mg twice a day . Day 8 to end of treatment blue pill twice a day.good luck on yor quit.
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So glad you made up your mind to quit! I am taking Chantix and am 10 days smoke free! I have never gone this long without a cigarette! I only experienced the nausea one time and it was because I didn't eat enough before I took it. The only thing I notice is that my mouth gets dry - so I drink more water - not really a bad thing. As Cindi said in the previous post she gets kind of quiet and doesn't feel like talking - that's me too, but usually only in the evening.
Say GOODBYE to those cigarettes! They are NOT your friends!
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Hi Cyndi, I used Chantix like a year ago and it did kill the craving for cigarettes, but I ended up in the hospital with stroke like symptoms, so I had to quit taking it. Glad to hear it's working good for you. A lot of people have had a lot of success with it.
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