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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Nicotine patches-help?

Hi all, I'm 8 days smoke free now! I even went to the 14mg patches. Today was hard with cravings but I got through those by taking everyone's advice. So, using NRT, I actually feel like I'm being dependant on these. I know it's better than smoking but what is the best way to start weaning myself off of the patches here in about a month or so. I just started the 14mg and I planned on using them for two weeks and go to 7mg for two weeks. These are 24 hour patches. Then my doctor gave me buspirone for the anxiety. I hate taking pills but I'm sticking with buproprion twice a day and nrt but if cravings are causing the shakes, should I take something to ease anxiety? FYI, I smoked for over 20 years and two quit attempts were very short lived. However, this time I'm smoke free for 8 days and still using patches because I'm worried about withdrawal and slipping. Anyone have advice regarding patches and how you weaned yourself off completely and did you go through withdrawals without them? You guys are amazing and support here has helped so much!! 

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I started with the 21mg patch and wore it 24/7.  I went for about 45 days and never reduced the dosage.  Then one day I forgot to put the patch on, but didn't realize this until after I got home.  I never wore another patch or used other NRT again and experienced no withdrawals. This is what worked for me.  The only side effects I experienced with the patch were some very lucid dreams.

Stay Strong



Good morning, I wear mine 24/7 also and I do have some vivid dreams but I guess I've gotten used to them. I wish I was ready to stop patches but I'm not pushing it. I want this quit to be successful forever. Lately, I've heard people say that they quit for some many weeks or months and they're a smoker again. I bet they didn't utilize these wonderful support groups and I also talk to my excoach every week which helps me. I'm starting to hate the smell of cigarettes on my clients and when I go outside at work and smell it. I keep thinking that was me at one point but never ever again! 


 I wonder why you stepped down after only 8 days?  Do you think it was too strong?  Perhaps 21 mg was too strong and, if so, that would explain "the shakes."  You should check with your doctor, but I don't think "the shakes" are being caused by craves.  How much did you smoke when you did?   If you smoked 20 or more a day, then the 21 mg patch was correct.  You might experience some withdrawal symptoms when you step down, but your system should adjust fairly quickly to the lesser amount.  The idea behind them is that you can concentrate on coping with the triggers and associations in your life in a new way, and then tackle the withdrawal from nicotine gradually.  Your plan to reduce the dose in them is sound. You can even cut the 14 mg patch in half at the end if you don't feel ready to go solo.  I have never heard of anyone becoming addicted to the patch - so have no worries there.  By the time you finish your patch plan, the does of nicotine will be so low that you should hardly notice withdrawal.

Eight days is HUGE!  Be very proud of you!



Good morning Nancy, before I quit I was smoking between a pack or less a day. Right before, I cut down to about 7-8 a day but if it was stressful that day I smoked more. My doctor said between the 300mg of buproprion a day and the patch that I should try 14mg and it didn't feel right to go back to 21. However, I'm already this far and I just want to stay on them for awhile. My friend gave me a whole box of 14mg and I got free patches also and my excoach sent the 14mg. I'm thinking I'll try to stay with a lower mg for a couple of weeks. My friend also gave me a bunch of 7mg patches when I'm ready. Yesterday, I coughed up so much crud it was disgusting. Kind of helped kick the cravings. Lol I haven't taken the anxiety medication because I don't want that crutch. I did also switch to spearmint gum because cinnamon was getting a little too much on my mouth. Lol but I'm still not smoking and taking it one day at a time. The best part is my 16year old daughter bragged to her friends on how proud she was that I quit smoking. Pretty good feeling! Thank you again for responding. Your posts are always so helpful and encouraging  

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Samsgurl2018  I never used patches but my daughter did.  She only wore them during the day because she said they disrupted her sleep so much that she could not stand it.  She used the 21 mg patch and followed the directions and then reduced to 14 mg and then to 7 mg.  She has not smoked in more than two years.  She didn't have a support site but she had me...we would talk at length about what she was feeling and on how long she could expect it to last.  She has gone through some particularly difficult experiences and has remained smoke free.  Her daughter is very proud of her as well.  I would not be fearful of the buspirone, if it makes you feel less anxious and less shaky, I think it is a good choice.  I have heard some people complain of shakiness as a side effect to the buproprion.  I have been on that for years and never had any side effects.  I started taking it because my docs wanted me on an antidepressant because of chronic pain...I think we tried everything and I had such severe side effects that I could not stay on anything...this has not bothered me.  I had already been on it for years before I quit smoking so I am not sure if it played into that or not.

I am so proud of you and so happy for you, you are DOING this...keep going, it will get easier and easier.


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It's an aid.

If you forget to use it see how you do.

If you forget two days in a row you should realize they aren't keeping you from smoking.

It's us who keep us from smoking.


I followed the instructions on the box. That was until I ran out of money to buy more patches. I didn’t really notice much of a withdrawal syndrome quitting the patches early. By the time I stopped using the patches, I had a lot of practice handling triggers and didn’t really have strong cravings.

I’m glad I had the patches. They helped. The patches alone didn’t do it though. Coming here and reading the literature and taking suggestions helped me the most. 


I'm definitely getting practice handling triggers. Im a case manager for homeless veterans and a lot of them are smokers. My office is pretty small and I smell it so bad on people now. I know that's a good thing feeling like that but it is aggravating feeling sick when I get around smokers. Lol like I've replied before this morning, I'm 13 days smoke free and counting!! 

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How are you doing, I see this blog was four days ago, hope things are getting easier.


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