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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


I feel like that’s all I think about

My mind is consumed about constantly trying to quit smoking. I’m heading into day 5. I’m thinking about it too much right? My body is ridding the toxins out as we speak so my body feels so strange! Is this normal? Haha. I was at target this evening and literally could feel myself sweating all those nasty chemicals out! Now I’m wide awake... still thinking about my journey. Grrrr. But I also feel so amazing at the same time. Is that possible? Today was really rough for me. Not necessarily the cravings... but my body just getting rid of everything. I’m literally in detox mode and I don’t know what to do with myself to occupy the mind. Advice would be great fellow exes. And congratulations to everyone. We GOT this. 

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36 Respuestas

Thanks Hannah! I am making it a positive experience not miserable or else I’ll be miserable  

See, you do have a great attitude! That makes such a difference in everything!


It WILL get easier, remember that. Drink lots of.water to keep that detox going & to replace all that sweating, LOL!

Coming here was my break from the craves. I knew l was not alone. Congratulations on day 5.

i remember feeling like all l thought about was smoking or rather, NOT smoking. It does pass. YoungAtHeart‌ has given you great advice & resources.



Thanks Ellen!!! Oh man today is sooo much better than yesterday. 


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A great attitude like yours is 50% of the battle! The support on this site is the other 50%!!!! You are doing great! Everything you have mentioned is very normal and we all went through it too. You probably are thinking about smoking a lot in these first days.......but just remember how much you wanted to quit............AND YOU ARE!!!! So hang in because believe me, you are going to love being a non smoker. It is one decision in your life you will never regret. Is it hard to quit? Sure. But it's not impossible. We all did it and we are no different from you.

WELCOME TO EX! We are all here for each other.

Stay strong.


Read, see the 100 things to do list, do WHATEVER it takes. If you want to eat. Eat. If you want to sleep and can, sleep. If you want to laugh, cry whatever. I kept my mind off days 5 and 6 by taking walks and also well, just trying to get through by listening to calm affirmations over and over on youtube. I hope this helps. I am on day 9. 


Great job linn and thanks sootie!!! I’m just trying to get the hang of this site as well! So much valuable information and tools to utilize! Yeah today has been amazing and I’m thankful. Looking forward to work tomorrow as that is very helpful. My symptoms have lightened up tremendously and I feel like I got thru the worst... or am I wrong?LOL 


Can't really embellish on the great advice above, so will simply leave you with a link to my Quit Journal post, which chronicles the fist two weeks of my successful cold-turkey Quit many years ago.  Hope it helps.

What it was Like 


Thank you for sharing! I read that and was like yuuuuck. I am right here lol. But today has been a great day! I’ll keep reading and staying positive