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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Hitting the wall

Hi all.  I have smoked for 50 years with a stint of vaping (24mg nicotine) for 2 and then both vaping and smoking for the past 3.  I have tried all the nicotine replacement therapies available (gum, lozenges, patches, nasal spray), welbutrin, chantix (nearly killed me), individual and group hypnosis, and most recently 2 attempts at cold turkey (one right after the other).  I was pleased these past two attempts that I managed almost 2 days without smoking.  Have been using an aromatherapy product to break addictions containing lavendar and geranium; a Smoke Free spray containing lobelia, oat seed, osha root, licorice, passionflowerpleuresy root, grindelia, mullein leaf, and ginger; and 0% nicotine vaping.  However, both times at hour 45 I hit a wall that seems insurmountable.  I experienced time distortion (2 minutes felt like 20, an hour like half a day) and an ever growing feeling of hopelessness.  Last night I managed to hang in there for 50 hours (with long bouts of uncontrollable sobbing) and finally went to bed and asleep with assistance from Ambien (not something I usually take).  Awake but foggy around midnight feeling emotionally worse then ever.  Succumbed and bought cigarettes smoked and went back to bed.  I don't know how to get under, over or through this 45 hour wall that is preventing my success.  Still feeling hopeless as well as disgusted with myself and smoking again.  Any advice / suggestions / recommendations are very welcome.

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There are so many people here going, and have gone thru, what you are going thru.  Read read read.  Educate and know you are not alone


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Ditto with anaussiemom, I smoked for 40 some odd years, this was not a walk in the park...I thought it was a portal to you know where.  Those seconds of withdrawal, separation aniexty, or whatever you call them were excruciating.  

I educated myself, blogged on this site, and prepared myself, family and friends I was ready  to fight the good fight, and win!

Get your tool box filled with what will help you in this journey of freedom.

Stay connected on this fab site.

~Kathy 674 DOF


Education about this addiction is a is commitment, when you have to start over, START OVER, I had many failed attempts and beat myself up every time, it never did any good.  Finding this site and tracking my cigarettes and identifying my triggers, planning what I would do INSTEAD of smoking, was vital to quitting and KEEPING my quit.  It was not easy but I have not smoked in over four years now and I was a smoker for 47 years.  When you fall off the horse...get back on but THIS time, be sure that the saddle is secure.  Don't jump back in doing it with all of the same tools that failed you in the past.  Make this quit your forever quit and believe that it can be.  Believe that while it won't be easy, it WILL be possible.

Welcome to EX,
