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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Getting off Chantix???

Havent seen anyone post on weaning off Chantix. Has anyone spoke to their docs about this? I was taking Chantix for about a month and now I am down to 1/2 pill in the am and 1/2 in the pm. Anyone else? 31 days quit and no slip ups yet!
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12 Respuestas

I've certainly seen people who have weaned themselves off of Chantix and had good success at it. Although 31 days might be early to quit it, I don't know your situation. I'm actually just starting a new prescription of .5 mg tabs. I got tired of cutting them in half 🙂

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Thanks Rob - the transition to being a non-smoker has been really smooth to my surprise. I have been exercising since Feb 08 and needed to quit to get better at it Lost approx 25 lbs and feeling a bunch better since the smokes are out of my life. I do miss it some times but that fades within minutes if not seconds. I didnt know you could get a script for .05. I will have to talk to my Doc about that. How long did you take them when you started the .05?
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Hi Jeanie,

Yes, they are available in .5 mg tabs (bottle of 56). My doctor didn't even know about that and had suggested that I continue cutting them in half. I found out about the lower dosage on some web site. It's for people (like me) who can't tolerate the higher dosage. It's not very cost effective, since I think the prescription costs about the same regardless of the dosage (not sure--I just pay a copayment), but I got really tired of cutting them.

I am still taking them. My quit date was on Saturday, so I'm on day two. I had quit for a few weeks and then relapsed. If all goes well, I will probably continue on the .5 mg for at least a couple of months.

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I didn't wean myself off of the chantix. I haven't taken it for 3 days and still haven't had a desire to smoke. I did notice that the side effects are slowly fading away. Which is definately a good thing. Keep up the good work.
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I haven't heard one thing about having to be weaned off of chantix. I think Rob is a big mouth with no chance of quiting. It only takes one time to figure out that 1 cig is enough to get rehooked, but he does it over and over again and cutting a pill in half too much work, jeez... If you are having no cravings, stop the chantix. However the chantix may be stopping your cravings and if that is so then maybe reconsider stopping it right now.
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I think deb needs to try decaf. What, if I may ask, provoked that little attack?
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your bio
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I didn't say cutting the pill in half was too much work. I said I got tired of doing it. If you must know, it's difficult to cut them exactly in half and one half would always be larger than the other.
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I did the same thing Rob.....when I got toward the end of the 12 week program, I cut all my pills in half and then only took half pills twice a day. Then I did 7 days of one 1/2 pill a day until I was finished. I'm working on my 5th month not smoking and have had no desire to go back. I would sure recommend "weaning" off the Chantix regardless of how long you've (anyone) has been on.

Bill V.
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