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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Detoxing off Nicorette

Hey all!
I finally gave up the gum and as I feared, it was kind of trading one addiction for another. I justified it when I quit smoking because chewing Nicorette is better than smoking, right? Anyway, I got tired of paying $50 bucks a box and since I am beyond the recommended 12 weeks, I quit Nicorette Saturday. I had some smoking cravings Saturday, but thought it was brought on by the fact that I walked past the store where I used to buy my cigs. Didn't give in to the craving and stayed smoke-free. I noticed Sunday and yesterday that I have been short-tempered and easily frustrated and couldn't understand why. Well last night, when I found myself thinking about smoking again as if starting back were a viable option, I realized that it is just my disease telling me I need that chemical to survive. I think the gum must be a larger dosage of nicotine because quitting that affected my sanity even more than quitting smoking did. I guess that is because I was prepared for it when I quit smoking. This kinda took me by surprise. Anyway, I'm feeling much better today and just keep reminding myself of the unmanageability and insanity that using causes in my life because the behavior and thought patterns are no different regardless of whether I am talking about drugs, cigarettes or gum. Just for today, I won't use!!!
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5 Respuestas

It is as you know just addiction. I used chantix for a couple of weeks and that worked for me. The nicorette worked for you and you have remained smoke free and that matters.Now the gum is gone and I say good for you. It is easy to be critical of ourselves. I am my worst critic. Hang in there. I am proud of you!!

I myself have chosen to use the patches. One morning I forgot to put it on,about 4 hours into my work day i became angry. Not just edgy  but extremely angry. The worse it got the madder I became. I finally realized that I did not have the patch on. I really wish I would have worked through it,now that I'm reading this,but I didn't. I went straight home and put the patch on. About 30 minutes later I was a lot calmer. I have been working on delaying the patch and removing it earlier at night. I hope it works,kind of like the plan I used before I quit smoking. I have found the crave for a cigarette first thing in the morning is back and persistant, but I have made it 22 days and never want to go through any of these first ever again. NOPE. One day at a time. Thanks for the heads up bonnie4.


Apart of you is right, YES IT IS SAFER THAN SMOKING!  Even the website says nicotine alone does not can cancer it's all the other stuff and you can't get copd from the gum so be thankful of that.  I think now since you got the habital hand to mouth thing under control, you're trying to finally conquer the actual addiction. This is what NRT's are supposed to do to help you. Even doctors will tell you, if you need to do it longer do it longer.

As with Cimstrong, I too am on the patch and will lower my dosage within the recommended time frame. After the last two weeks of step three, IF I FEEL I NEED IT LONGER THAN I WILL but it is only 7mgs on step 3.  You might need a little bit longer time, there is no shame in it.  You might need to try something else too like regular chewing gum, which is great for your teeth btw sugar free. 


Good job


Hi I use patches was on 21 mg then they kept comeing  off pluse I use the lozenger they seem to help..I can tell when I dont have my pach on I start to feel edgy then I put another  one on ,I cut my self back to the 14mg patches, and the lozenger I only do like when I have real bad urge,I dont leave it in my month long at all ,,well I'm on my 12 day in my quit so far ,,good luck on yours too and welcome  to ex!!!!

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