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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Cold Turkey Quitters

Ann, I didn't do the tracking. I just quit. I think they help but I wanted to quit when my courage allowed me to quit. If it feels right for you, do the tracking. It might get you to relax and get you used to quitting and it can take some of the fear away. It sure wouldn't hurt to do it. Stay close to this site and focus on the positive. Nancy

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647 Respuestas

Well tomorrow is my quit date (April 1st) and I am nervous, excited....manic?? I reallly feel like I can do this which is great!! Cold turkey is going to be rough but so many of you are successful every day, you all give me hope!! So thank you 🙂 I will be logged on here all day tomorrow, so I'll check in with you guys to let you know how I am doing!! Tomorrow I begin my life as a NON smoker, woohooo!!!!
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Congratulations ALL! And good luck tomorrow, Olivia. I have over 5 months and I rarely think about smoking. Make sure you pamper yourself and keep your eye on the prize! I know longer live with the fear that I will get emphysema or lung cancer. I don't have to rearrange my life so I can smoke. I'm saving BIG BUCKS!!!!! I'm going on a cruise with what I'm saving! YAHOO!
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Hi Everyone! You're all doing so well! I'm so proud of all of you! Olivia... I'll sure be praying that you get through your first day and have a relatively easy time of it. Sorry I haven't been on for awhile. I have 5 acres and it's spring, so does that tell you anything? Lots of weeds to deal with. Rich, you're on almost a year, right? That is so fantastic! See? If Rich can do it, we all can, right? Keep up the great quits! Kimmy, Sandi and Ashley, I wish I could just hug all of you! You are amazing!
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Ellen...Thank you for your comment! Yes, isn't it great to not live in fear of getting some horrible disease? Of course I waited too long and developed emphysema, but I'm hoping my quit will keep it from getting worse. You're on your way to 6 months! How great is that? !!!
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Just sayin' Hey before hitting the Hay. Day Three has come and GONE!! Cold turkey. Keepin' On keepin on.
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Planning on quit day for tomorrow April 1. Have no idea how this will go but we shall see. Am reading something called Never Take Another Puff by Joel Spitzer. The brain gets it...not sure the nic craves will though. Anyone read it?
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Read it? Haa haaaa. I quit smoking on my first and only try after 38 years as a nicotine addict. I couldn't sleep on the third night, so I watched Joel Spitzer's videos from about 2 am 'til dawn, when I walked downstairs to get a cup of coffee and my wife yelled at me for staying up all night. Like I really wanted to pull an all-nighter so I had eight more hours to want a cigarette!

  I owe 13 months as an ex-smoker to Joel Spitzer. His book is fantastic.
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I lived on Joel's website for my first 2 weeks, I couldn't stop reading/watching the videos. Tomorrow will be one month without a cigarette and 24 days without nicotine.
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Welcome, Beth and Stormy! Beth, you got through day 3! That means the nicotine is all out of your body, so you'r physical symptoms should become less and less. Now you just have to work on keeping your mental attitude in the place where you want to quit more than you want to smoke. That's teriffic to make it 3 days! Keep on keepin' on!
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Hi Stormy! Well, today is April 1st. How's it going so far? Just keep thinking that you want to live and not die from some horrible disease. Take deep breaths whenever you get a craving. Go out for a walk or run. Exercise is a big help. Drink lots of water. I'm so glad you're reading Joel Spitzer's book! Spend time today over on That's where Joel's writings are and much, much more to help you every step of the way. Also, this site has so much to offer by reading the blogs, however, most of these people on here have used some form of quitting helps. We who have done it cold turkey believe that's the only way...just get it over with so you don't have to get off the helper later which is about as bad as giving up the cigarettes from what I hear. You're going to make it, Sweetie! I just know it!
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