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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Cold Turkey Quitters

Ann, I didn't do the tracking. I just quit. I think they help but I wanted to quit when my courage allowed me to quit. If it feels right for you, do the tracking. It might get you to relax and get you used to quitting and it can take some of the fear away. It sure wouldn't hurt to do it. Stay close to this site and focus on the positive. Nancy

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647 Respuestas

Hi all! I just found and joined this group. I quit on the 8th with a few pieces of nicotine gum available and had intended to replenish that supply when they were gone. But when the time came I said the heck with it and went cold turkey. So today makes 15 days smoke free, 13 days nicotine free. And I'm going to stay that way.
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Hi Cecil! I'm so glad you joined our little group and that you're doing so well on your quit! You are doing fantastic going 15 days without smoking! You should be to the point that you don't crave near as much as the first week, huh? I just want to reassure you that even though it seems so tough now, when you get to about 6 months, you'll rarely even think about wanting one. I know it's such a challenge to make a go of quitting, but believe me, it feels so much better to be a non-smoker than a smoker! Keep on keepin''re going to make it!
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Hi my name is Kimmie. I quit smoking cold turkey 18 days ago. I have been completely nicotine free since 8:30 pm on March the 6th. I have smoked for about 12 years, I'm 29. Today has been my easiest day so far. I'm hoping it will continue to get easier. After having tried to quit hundreds of times, almost once a month on Nicorette gum, I finally decided to try cold turkey. It's been nearly 3 weeks now and by far my most successful quit yet (aside from pregnancies). I don't ever want to smoke again. I think the difference with this quit was, my desire not to smoke was stronger then my bodies desire to smoke. That has made all the difference.
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Welcome aboard, Kimmie! I had a similar experience with the gum but today I am 5 months nicotine free and I really DON'T want to smoke ever again!
  Hang in there!
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This is my 1st full day -- almost gave in twice -- hoping for the best -- i've tried to quit before with no success. Hope it's different this time
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Welcome, Kimmie! You're doing so good at 18 days! You and Cecil are about the same. It will continue to just get easier and easier as time goes on and your body continues to get rid of all the junk. I'm glad to see you've gone cold turkey! I really believe it's the best way. My friend tried everything and didn't succeed. Now he's doing it cold turkey and has gone over a month without smoking. As you said, you just have to want to quit more than the part of you that wants to smoke.
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Hi Julie! Welcome to the group! You've come to the right place to find help. If you really, really want to quit you can do it. It's really a matter of mind over matter. The first week is called hell week for a good reason. It's hard....probably the hardest thing you've ever done. Just keep thinking of all the reasons you don't want to smoke anymore, take deep breaths...they are so calming...not so much that you faint, but you know what I mean. Keep busy with something interesting. Drink lots of water and let yourself eat whatever appeals to you. I know that's not good, but I probably wouldn't have made it had I not eaten some goodies along the way. I now have to lose the 12 lbs. that I gained in 6 months, but I'm doing that, too. You'd be surprised how much will power you attain by successfully quitting smoking.
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Sandi...You're coming along just fine! Is it getting easier? Can you share some of the tricks you used with these other new quitters? I know they'd really appreciate it. I know you're still at the stage where you think about smoking all the time, but as time goes on, it will get less and less. You hang in there. I'm really proud of you!
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  Hi Ellen! It's great to hear from you! It's been awhile...Wow! You've made it to 5 months! That's fantastic! You must be to where you rarely think about smoking, right? I think I was about 4 months before I really felt completely comfortable as a non-smoker.
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Sylvia, I just wanted to take a moment and tell you that the comments and encouragement you give everyone here is inspiring. You do darn good work.

  18 days and going strong.
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