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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Chantix and depression . . . even suicide?!?!?!

I have decided to use Chantix to help me quit smoking. Everyone that I have talked to (2-3 people) have had nothing but good comments about the use of the drug. I have read many of the reviews here regarding the side effects and have seen that the most common is nausea, along with vommiting. While doing some research I came across this website, which has a video. It disucsses how Chantix users experiences cases of depression, suicide ideation and even users who had commited suicide! Has anyone using the drug ever had these experiences? I am getting ready to start my prescription for the first time and am concerned. I would really like to get some feedback on this before I start taking the drug. Please help.
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12 Respuestas
Member is of the opinion that there is not way but the true way, which is cold turkey. They are veryveryvery opposed to any method other than CT. That includes nicotine replacent therapy (NRT) like patches, lozenges, gum, etc and any drug which can help you quit. That includes Zyban and Chantix.

I am not against, it's just that I don't consider them an unbiased site when it comes to quitting.

If you're concerned about Chantix, talk to your doctor. I know of many, many people who have successfully quit using Chantix. I am currently taking it and have had no side effects other than tiredness and some soreness in my hand and wrist joints. Neither of these are enough to make me stop taking the drug.

The other unpleasant side effect I've seen reported (mainly here and on other web sites) is nausea. You need to make sure you eat before you take the drug. I've also heard that if you eat 15 minutes or so before taking it, the nausea is less likely to occur.

Good luck!
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I know quite a few people that have quit on Chantix and they each had different side effects to the medication.
I am on my 12th week of Chantix and although have had many of side effects like nausea and some depression (the first week only) I have not experienced any of the other more serious side effects. I think joining the "get quit" program that Chantix provides is very resourceful and supportive.
Good luck to you Jarret. We are here to help one another, keep coming back.
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Just a side note to Miriam's post, depression is a very common side effect during the first week of not smoking. Nicotine is a strong antidepressant and it's not unusual to experience some depression after stopping.
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I'm certainly no authority on Chantix, I am on my 3rd day of not smoking, I took Chantix 7days then quit on the 8th. The 1st few days I had nasea and just did not feel well, then I just started feeling good and normal, If I had continued the way the 1st days were I don't know if I would have continued. My Dr. did mention the possibility of depression etc and said if I experienced anything to call him right know if I could quit cold turkey I would have a long time ago, I personally felt that this was my best choice and so far it is.
The best of luck to you
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Thanks Rob. After much research now I know it was part of "quitting".
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It has worked wonderfully for me!! Once early on I didn't eat and I experienced nausea. Now if I eat only a little I'm fine. I haven't had a cigarette in 20 days and have had some cravings but not nearly bad enough to make me smoke. I was a heavy smoker for 25 years. Also I agree with Rob. There are many side effects of quitting smoking. I think some people are uninformed and blame it on Chantix. The pharmacy tech told me of someone having vivid dreams of trying to smoke but for various reasons he was unable. That is a very common for any addict or alcoholic. My point is it wasn't the Chantix.
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I took chantix last year and quit smoking for over 3 months. I had no depression what so ever. I am back on the chantix and smokefree 4 days and no depression. But both times i have had the wildest dreams you can think of. They are not nightmares, just crazy dreams...i kinda enjoy them. Well worth taking the chantix and not smoking

I took Chantix for 8 weeks and quit after 54 years of smoking. I had very little nausea, and no other side effects. My smoker's cough stopped as soon as I quit. I have been smoke free for almost 6 months now.

Hang in there!

Please do not worry about the chantix. I did loose my mind for 30 days but i felt great! 🙂
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