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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication



Yes, I do feel different since I've been taking Chantix. I am still smoking while working towards my goal date. I don't really have the urge to smoke, but I smoke? I am wondering if behavior change is the other half of this addiction? Have any of you noticed this? Becoming aware of when and where you smoke? Did you change your behavior after you quit smoking or before? If I keep busy I don't smoke. I only smoke in my kitchen at the table. I am having a hard time sitting at my kitchen table trying not to smoke. What did you do?
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7 Respuestas

Hi Deb,
I am on Chantix and it does work, 3 weeks without a cig. I did change my behaviors before going on it. Smoking in only one area is good. Try little changes watch the clock and time your self or keep cigs in place you would have to get do not leave them on the table. Each little change you make will help when you do quit. I was doing so many other things to keep myself busy but you must find some rewards for not smoking. I don't know how long you smoked but i smoked for 36 years. It is very hard to stop doing something you did 20 or more times a day. I think the behavior withdrawl is sometimes harder than the nicotine withdrawal. Try putting something on your table that smells good flowers or a candle. I f you need the cig you must move the item. Try anything you can think of to make it not worth the trouble of having the cig. I wish you the best and take it day by day.
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Hi Deb,
I agree with Joanie - The behavior withdrawal almost seems harder than the nicotine withdrawal. I am on day 22 smokefree and I am just now feeling comfortable going places (even around my own home) where I used to smoke. We stopped smoking in the house a few years ago so our deck became our 'smoking area'. I would very hesitantly go out to sit with my husband when I got home from work the first few days, but didn't stay there long. I had to do something to keep myself occupied. Now I understand why my husband didn't come out on the deck when he first quit smoking a year and a half ago. So stay busy and change your routine a bit. And I wish you the best!
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Hi Deb,
Wanted to tell you that I'm in the same boat as you. Just started taking chantix yesterday and I feel like cigs are not controlling me I'm controlling them. I feel a little light headed do you? Otherwise I've cut down considerably and feel almost like quitting sooner then next Mon. I feel like I have more time on my hands too. Keep in touch let me know how it's going. Theresa
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Marissa good for you can't wait to be where you are. I feel the same way about cigs on day 2 they taste terrible and I don't even want them. I can't believe it I'm so happy about that.
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Hi Theresa,

It's so nice to meet all of you! I am on my 3rd week of Chantix. Yes, I also had that dizzy kind of feeling the first week of taking Chantix. Than it seemed to go away. I am still smoking about the same amount of cigarettes. I noticed I don't have that strong urge any more. I think for me it is more a case of behavior change. I really need to work on changing my behavior and doing things without smoking. I really hoped I am not becoming immuned to this!
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I have to agree with you both. Now that I have the URGE feeling under control with the help of Chantix, I think the behavior change is much harder to deal with. Due to the fact the my smoking zone is only in my kitchen. I need to try working on spending less time in my kitchen chair and work on keeping busy during that out of the chair time. I think the behavior thing is going to take much longer to work on while I am taking Chantix. Maybe, I will be one of those case studies that is going to take longer on the program than the average person. Or it just goes to show you every is different when coming to quitting smoking while on Chantix. After smoking for 35 years, it was a big deal to decide to stop smoking and start the Chantix program. I feel like I have already hurdled a couple of hills already. LOL! I think I compare myself to everyone else and their experiences. Not realizing I may be different and take long. I can only hope I am getting to the finish line!
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Hi Deb, You are right - deciding to take Chantix and quit smoking is a big deal! It was a big deal to me too! My doctor very readily wrote the prescription for me. After reading a lot abut it I decided to plan my quit when I had some time off since I didn't know how I would react with it. So after carrying the scrip around with me for a week I put in for a few days off from work and filled the scrip. I took it for a full week still smoking, but wondering why because they tasted nasty. I found that during that week I didn't stop to smoke as often, but I smoked because I still could! Then on the eighth day of Chantix I just stopped smoking. I knew I just had to say it's now or never.I can't say it was the easiest thing I ever did, but Chantix made it bearable. This week (week 3 smokefree) is the first week I actually feel very comfortable being smokefree! And it is a great feeling! Maybe you could just set up a bunch of projects you would like to try (away from your kitchen table) and just decide one day not to smoke. Work on the projects and stay away from your cigarettes. See how the day goes - it may turn into weeks and months!
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