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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication



 I tried it.  Took it for about 2 months.  Made me feel kinda speedy and gave me restless leg syndrome.  It did help me smoke less because it stimulates you and so you don't get that sleepy drowsy feeling that results from lack of nicotine.  But, you still have to use will power to keep from smoking.  You do think about smoking less though.  l quit for about 2 months but started right back up after I quit taking them. 

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91 Respuestas

 I started taking wellbutrin about two or three weeks ago and its helping me with does make you feel jittery but I take Klonopen also so i guess it equals it self out....

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Hi just restarted on Wellbutrin. Using it for antidepressant but side effect is great. Yes I already can feel a difference in my desire for a smoke, so it does help; but the desire to quit has to be there and in the end, as with everything, you are the one that has to do the Physical work and discomfort. Ray

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I started taking Chantix last Wednesday. I was supposed to quit tomorrow but had my final cigarette yesterday at 5:00 p.m.  So far so good. The only side effect so far is very vivid and somewhat disturbing dreams.

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I heard that the dreams are terrible on Chatix, but it is supposed to have better results than Buproban.  I am on Buproban, and I think the reason it helps you quit smoking is because it almost makes you feel a little sick.  I too have vivid dreams, but they are not too disturbing.  Yet, I wouldn't call them pleasant.  I am having trouble falling asleep, and even worse, when I wake up in the morning I can't go back to sleep.  Tough because I have a 1 year old son, so if he wakes at 3am, it takes me along time to fall back asleep.  Do you have this side effect?

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Started taking Wellbutrin 01/11. My quit date is 01/18. No side effects, but cigarettes don't seem to taste the same.

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My quit date was also 1-11-10 and I am taking buproban along with the patch. I started the buproban two weeks before my quit date and the side effects were so bad I almost stopped. I had read that you should hang in there for two weeks as your body adjusts, so I did and it was true. I hardly notice that I am taking it now although I didn't increase to 300 Mg a day, I stayed on 150mg. If I don't take off the patch right after dinner and wait until bedtime, I get the vivid dreams too. ANyone else feel like a space case and anxious during the first two weeks on buproban?

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Yes, I feel so very anxious on the meds.  So much that one time I pulled over the car and had my mom drive to our destination.   This is when I increased my 150 to 300 at day 3.  This went on for 5 days until I had enough and split my afternoon 150 pill in half.  So I guess that would make it 225mg in one day for awhile, and what a difference.  It was great!  Now I am 2 weeks into the meds and am at 300 and doing fine, but it took awhile for my body to adjust.  I think the worst was the anxious part.  I am still smoke free.  I think the meds really help alot, and so does the gum when I do get the urge.  But I have NEVER had an urge I couldn't shake.  I think the anxiety is the worst side effect but it passes, along with the dreams.  Oh, and one more thing.  Because the buproban decreases your appitite, I found that the less you eat, the stronger the side effects.  So try to have 4 small meals a day.  Do not skip a meal, it makes the anxiety and other side effects much stronger.  Good luck to everyone.  So far so good over here.

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I would like to correct my statement below to stay I FELT anxious, not feel.  That side effect has passed with the combo of eating small meals throughout the day, and giving my body 2 weeks to adjust to the levels of RX in my blood. 

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Hi Everyone.  This is my second round with Chantix.  The first round I did have very vivid dreams, but, this time I am not having them.  I have been on the Chantix this time for two and a half weeks.  Working on day 8 smoke free.  Still having strong urges...any suggestions? 

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