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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Back To Vaping

I quit weed for 9 months, came back to vaping nic for three months


I quit nic for three months, came back to nic for a few weeks


Quit for a month, came back for a week


Quit for 3 weeks, now Ive been back for two days.


My dad is severely addicted to vaping and it's all over the house. My brother does it, his friends do it, my friend online does it. I see people doing it in tv shows, video games, my favorite rapper does it.


So now it's day 1.5 and I've already vaped 10ml or so. Stomach feels like shit. Feeling ashamed of myself.


Only reason I started was cause I feel like a loser. I keep waking up for an hour and having no idea what I woke up for, so I immediately want to go back to sleep.


So I thought, fuck it, just vape. So I stole my dads.


Gonna quit again, just don't know why I should do it.

Etiquetas (1)
Etiquetas (1)
66 Respuestas

Maybe you should get rid of the vape which will lessen the temptation. It may help with the push and pull of having to puff. In the back of your mind it is always there as a crutch. Get rid of the crutch. Wishing you the best  Choose Freedom. 


Have you thought about getting a vape that uses pods of lower amounts of nicotine to wean yourself down off of it?  Once you are down to 0 nicotine, it might be easier to work on getting off it entirely.  You can work on changing up your routines and finding things to occupy yourself when you get a hankering while you are doing the weaning process.  Just a thought!

Glad you are going to keep trying!  Just THINK of all the $$$ you will save, and your lungs will be healthier, too.


Yes. I don't have it around anymore, but the urge is strong to buy one with low nicotine, or to just stick it out.

I'm still contemplating why it's so bad in my mind, pathetic I know.


Thanks for sharing and gather some QUIT TOOLS for when craves HIT

Lemons - grab one bite into it peel and all - it will bring YOU into the moment and BUST that OLD MINDSET CRAVE - OR jog in place really fast - OR have some bubble gum OR suckers OR methol cough drops OR peppermint candy OR cinnamon tooth picks OR popsicles OR carrots and celery OR oranges apples - I am glad YOUR nicotine free ONE minute at a time - deep breathing HELPS too


Come here BEFORE you vape, explain what is going on, you just might defuse the situation. It’s certainly worth a try. Oh & addiction IS pathetic, addicts are NOT. You can do this, don’t compare yourself to others who are addicted, compare yourself to others who are in recovery.



Feeling a big urge to steal my dad's. I got all of my chores done today, and I have a class later. I don't know what to do for an hour and a half until then, and I have to use the bathroom but not that much.

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Can you go for a walk?  March in place?  Do a few sets of stairs?

Play a computer game?  Call a friend?

Check here and make a written list of things that you think would pass the time?

This quit thing takes effort in the early days - but it DOES get easier!  Just put in the uuumph now!


Yes, I can call a friend. I could also read or do homework. But, it's just easier to sit still

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 vlxedits     NOPE!  Boredom is a known quit killer - don't give it a chance to sneak up on you.  This isn't easy - but you need to keep busy.  This part of your quit journey doesn't last long - but the only way out is through.

NOW  - do something!


I slipped.