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Day 24- still fighting

I say still fighting because I still fantasized for A moment (or 19) about vaping today. But tried to distract during.

I’m getting really nervous about being around my brother and his wife. We all grew up together. Started smoking together at a young age. So there’s so much history. We will spend the night tomorrow night. I’ve got my guard up, I do not want to break my stride. I would hate hate hate to go through hell week again. It sucked a nut. Still getting over the nausea but finally it’s starting to go away. 24 days for my body to rid itself if whatever chemical or reaction was causing nausea.  I mean. That is a crime how horrible vaping is for us.  

I’ve got my “recipe” my hard candy, my mints and gum. My husband knows to tell me nope! And to check in on me- he’s the best. 


anyway thanks for listening. For those out there on the long quit- What day did you really not ever think about smoking not even once? Asking out of curiosity and something to look forward to. 

merry Christmas 🙂 

3 Respuestas

@Finallyquittin Super congrats on day 24.   You're prepared for your visit, so you'll be fine.  Your success is something to be proud of.  Celebrate it today!


I don't have a timeline to give you that I didn't think about smoking once.  I still think about it when certain events happen.  Again, if it does happen, it's learning not to act on those thoughts..

Enjoy your holiday and the day with your family!

You got this!   Merry Christmas.




0 Kudos

Sounds like you have this in hand.  Just stay strong and stay focused.  Just another win for you.


I would love to tell you I don't think about smoking today, quit over a year, but I do think about smoking.  I think about smoking when I see an ad, or when I randomly smell it, or when someone lights up right in front of me or when I see someone with an oxygen tank.  I just don't romanticize it any longer.  I am able to look at smoking now, in REAL TERMS.  Considering your side effects, you now know what we were doing to our poor bodies, we were abusing them.  Your brother probably wants to quit, alot of smokers do, but he can't.  He's hooked, addicted and if he doesn't answer the call to nicotine, then he suffers for it.  He CAN'T say no.  YOU, on the other hand, have 25 precious days of FREEDOM from this toxic substance that wants to take your life and breath.  You have chosen life and you have chosen healthier lungs.  Yu are on the right path.  Do not veer off,  and maybe not right now, but you will be grateful you chose to quit.  I promise you will not regret quitting.  WALK OFF or WALK AWAY if tempted.  Don't allow the nic monster to run around unchallenged.  Do. not. smoke.