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Day 20- is this real?!

Today was sooo better than yesterday. 20 days! Wahooo!!!

A few factors helped 

1.  LOTS of sleep 

2. eating smaller meals/snacks more often.  Idk what the deal is right around 3 pm. But today I had an apple at that time and it did wonders for the sicky feeling I’ve been getting at night.  I still have some vertigo but it’s manageable today. 
3. I read a lot of information about withdrawal symptoms.  I found an article in the best of ex which lead me to start reading the journey home- nicotine free living. (I think that’s what it’s called) it’s a free book and you can use text to speech apps to make it into an audio book to listen while you work. A lot of it scared me. But also made me feel empowered to keep going. Knowledge is power is a key thing I read about. 

While I was vaping, I shied away from ANY information about it. I knew it was bad for me. Every time a commercial came on from truth org I would mute it! Now that I’m quitting it’s like the flood gates are open and I want to know it ALL. every last detail. So that I can combat my stupid addiction brain from its silly ways to tell me it’s okay to vape. It’s not okay. It has robbed me of peace of mind for 10 years. One thing I read that was crazy true. 

Can you remember what it was like before you started vaping? what did it feel like going days, years without this vicious need to vape. I couldn’t remember. The author said that no one who starts really can. I’m butchering this- if you’ve made it this far into my brain dump, that free book is worth a read. I’m only on the second chapter and feel enlightened.  

thanks all! 

13 Respuestas
Community Manager
Community Manager

Congrats on 20 days quit, @Finallyquittin! And so glad to hear you've been finding helpful resources on the site!

- Danielle, EX Team 

EX Community Admin Team

@Finallyquittin Keep up the good work. Congrats on 20 days.  Did I send you this before--don't remember? There are more, but these are some of more common symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms.png


Thank you barb! Yes- this list is very helpful. I’m still in shock at how bad and how many symptoms nicotine withdrawal has.  But I feel like I’m starting to get over some of them. Which is a huge blessing. 


You are killing it so far.  Keep going strong.  You are well on your way.  Never give up!  Stay strong.


@Finallyquittin  Yes, pinch yourself good, this is not a dream and you are 20 days without nic.  You ARE doing the (seeminglhy) impossible.  I think you had the nausea? and I hope that is better and yes, EDUCATION/ KNOWLEDGE matter.  Like you, (but I was a cig smoker) I would never watch those cancer commercials, but I had to watch them once I decided to quit.  Knowledge is power, learn it all, so you will STAY quit.  This is a journey of self-discovery and you will never regret it.  You will look back and remember how hard it was, but it was worth it, to get to the good place. In my early quit, I wrote over and over and over "You can climb this mountain, the view from the top is amazing".  Quit day 460.

The view from the top is amazing and I'm glad to be here and I want it for you too.

I cannot wait to see the view from the top. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. 


Thank you! 20 days. Congratulations. I made it 35 days no vape. Today is day 3 for me. I learned for the rest of my life I can’t pick up a vape again, or within a day I’ll vape more than I ever have. Like alcoholism, the vape addiction still grows laying in wait for one puff. Then bam. 
I’ve never been more disappointed with myself …. Picking up after 36 days. I’m back after 2 months of vaping … trying again … after a scary lung xray. 
im happy to say I have zero cravings this go around. I’m just so determined. 
I like your screen name … you’ve got this. 20 days. 3 weeks. I hope the things that give you joy in life are coming into greater and greater focus now that vape smoke isn’t clouding and blacking out your (our) joys in life. 

Thank you for Sharing with me. Out of curiosity, What made you go back after 35 days? I believe you can make it again and go further. 

0 Kudos

Great question. I went out to a bar and had drinks with friends. The alcohol. The atmosphere. Friends around who vape. A new flavor! I wanted to try just a hit … because I’d quit and was off vapes for good …. Next day I went out and bought 3. ADDICTION