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Day 151

Any new people to ex, i hope you find that it really is a place of support as you become nic- free.  Im so grateful for the community here that helped me through those really really realllllly awful first bits. It helps to talk. To share. To find others going through the same things as you. Thank you all! 
If it is your first few days keep going! Im still here pushing through and it is true- it is better on the other side of addiction. Where your mind is quiet. Your thoughts are your own. You have time to contemplate. You have time to make plans for the future. 

as a introspective thought- neither here nor there- i have found i am much more emotional still, i wonder if its because i am feeling the raw emotions without the dopamine hits to make things “okay”. The crazy part is I’m okay with feeling things more deeply.  It feels real and I am more present in it.


thanks again. Day 151.  

4 Respuestas

A super duper CONGRATULATIONS @Finallyquittin on your precious quit journey YAY for 151 splendiferous smokefree days YAY for each and every day WON! I found I was alot more emotional as well in those early months, I agree with you that it's real and we're present in it! YAY for giving ourselves the Gift of LIFE! YAY for Freedom! 


@Finallyquittin   Congratulations on quit day 152.  Really happy for you and just keep adding to those non-smoking days.  Since we used nicotine for every single emotion, it stands to reason without the nicotine we feel all our emotions.  This was a big surprise for me and the tears came really easily after I quit. I think, for me, it was part of my healing process.  You are doing so well, stay committed!!

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@Finallyquittin Congrats on 151 day.    Being emotional right now is a normal withdrawal symptom due to the loss of nicotine.  Those nicotine receptors aren't producing that dopamine your brain has become accustomed to.  Replacing that dopamine will definitely help during these early days.  

Get moving and use your deep breathing exercises.

Feeling your emotions is a step forward on your journey.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Congratulations on 151 days! woohoo @Finallyquittin 

Quiana, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team
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