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16 days of freedom ….

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I really feel like I will never pick up a vape again. Thank God the cravings have passed. My face is still twitching and my throat still hurts like crazy. I’m just trusting that as I go longer without constantly vaping, these things will improve. I also feel 100% disappointed in myself for vaping as long as I did but I’m focusing on the fact that I have quit now. This fifth attempt has worked. I hope everyone knows there are free places to get nicotine gum and patches online. If that’s the route, you want to go

3 Soluciones

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Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm so happy to hear this, @TaraQuits! So glad you've been maintaining your quit.

- Danielle, EX Team 

EX Community Admin Team

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@TaraQuits  I am so gosh darned happy for you! You are doing this!! Be proud of your self and just keep on keeping on, one day at a time! 

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((((TARA))))  this is great news.  I know this has been a hardfought battle for you!  Congratulations on day 17.  The good news is don't ever have to redo hell week.   Maintain your freedom and do no smoke!  Not one puff, as you are still an addict.  Continue learning and educating yourself about the addiction.  

You are putting nicotine in it's place and nicotine does not belong inside your body.  Keep winning and taking care of your health.

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8 Respuestas
Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm so happy to hear this, @TaraQuits! So glad you've been maintaining your quit.

- Danielle, EX Team 

EX Community Admin Team

Thank you Danielle. I was a constant vapor all day long and into the night. If I can quit anyone can. But this has been the strongest addiction I could ever imagine and the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. 

I’m on day 6 of no nicotine and I hear that!! Reading that you’ve gotten to day 16 gives me motivation to keep going!


A super congratulations @LaCassetta3924 on your 6 precious Days WON! You're doing super fantastic! YAY for each and every day WON YAY for Freedom! 


@TaraQuits  I am so gosh darned happy for you! You are doing this!! Be proud of your self and just keep on keeping on, one day at a time! 


((((TARA))))  this is great news.  I know this has been a hardfought battle for you!  Congratulations on day 17.  The good news is don't ever have to redo hell week.   Maintain your freedom and do no smoke!  Not one puff, as you are still an addict.  Continue learning and educating yourself about the addiction.  

You are putting nicotine in it's place and nicotine does not belong inside your body.  Keep winning and taking care of your health.


I love this reply. I am still an addict and literally one puff and my vape addiction will be back stronger than ever before. I’ve proven this true 5 times. So often I’ve said I’d just cut back. Not an option with vaping. Now that I can breathe ( a little) I feel all the vaping damage I’ve done. My mind is clearer - my memory better - and I’ve gone from 6 hours of sleep to 9 to 10 hours. I gained 4.5 lbs but not letting my eating disorder rule my life and focus on that ( too much ). It’s hard. 


A super congratulations on your precious quit journey @TaraQuits YAY for each and every day WON! YAY for Freedom! 

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